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Module 6 Around townUnit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?班别:_ 姓名:_ 家长签名:_一、学习目标:1.词汇:bank museum along across cross opposite tourist excuse street turn third guidebook bookshop right could underground take2.短语:why not? go across go along the National Stadium over there the Olympic Sports excuse me3.句型:Can you tell me the way to? How can I get? Why not ask the policeman over there?4. 语法:方位介词的用法。near opposite along on the left/right across二、学习重点:能听懂有关问路、指路的语句内容;能用英语问路指路三、学习难点:掌握如何用英语问路及回答学法指导 用图文连线的方式记忆地点单词。知识链接 问路的常用句型有:1.Which is the way to .? 2.How could /can I get to .? 3.Do you know where . is ? 4.Could you tell me the way to .?5.Is there a near here? 6.Could you tell me how to get to?7.Where is?指路的常用句型有:Go along Turn right / left at the street. Its next to Its opposite Its between and 等。自主预习一、翻译下列短语:1.劳驾_ 2.为什么不_ 3.在前面_ 4. 多好的一天_ 5.在那边_二、完成下列句子:6. _ _ _ _ the way to Wangfujing Dajie? (你能告诉我到王府井大街的路吗?)7. Go _ Dong Changan jie, go_ the street and _ left _ the third street on the left. (穿过东长安街,沿着街道走,在左边第三条街道向左转。)8. There is a big bookshop_ _, _ _ Xi Changan Jie, on the right, _ the bank.(那边有一个大的书店,只沿着西安街走,在右边,银行对面)9. How can I _ _? (我怎样才能到达那里呢)10. Could you tell me_ _ _ _ the National Stadium?. (你能告诉我如何去国家体育场吗?) 组长签名:_ 导学过程I. 听力策略培养:1.连图题(Activity 1) 2.用正确的介词在泰美地图上找出自己的家乡(Activity 2)3.听第一遍录音,将下列旅客要去的地方按循序排列(Activity 3) National Stadium( ) Wangfujing Dajie ( ) Bookshop ( ) 4. 听第二遍录音,判断下列句子正误。 1) The tourist can walk to Wangfujing Dajie from Tiananmen Square. ( )2) The big bookshop is on the left of Xi Changan Jie, opposite the bank.( )3) Lingling knows the way to the National Stadium.( )4) The National Stadium is far from Tiananmen Square.( )5. 听第三遍录音,回答问题:课文P33(Now answer the questions)II. 阅读理解:(Activity 3)1.读对话,找出问路及指路的句型并加以理解和运用。2.根据对话内容选择正确的词填空(Activity 4)。III. 语音、对话练习(Activity 5Activity Activity 7)达标检测一、选择正确的答案(必做题):()1. _ can we go to the Tower of London?A. Where B. Which C. How()2. _ the bridge, you can see the hospital on your right.A. Go cross B. Go across C. Across()3. The church is _ the museum and the palace.A. in the middle of B. between C. among()4. Turn left and _ up the river, you can see the Church. A. walking B. to walk C. walk二、根据汉语提示完成句子(必做题):1. 为什么下午不去踢足球呢?_ _ go to play football this afternoon?2. 打扰了,布莱克先生在哪里? _ _, where is Mr Black?3. 你认识那边的那位男士吗? Do you know the man _ _?4. 请在第四个十字路口左转。 Please _ _ at the fourth crossing.三、用适当的介词或介词短语完成句子(选做题): from for across in front of about1. Go _ the street and you will see the zoo.2. The old man is asking a policeman _ the way to the theatre.3. Your home is far _ the train station, so you can take a taxi there.4. What book do you need? A guidebook _ Qingdao.5. There are some black cars _ the restaurant.完成优化训练P43-44.课堂小结:自主反思:
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