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365天交际口语详解(8):惊讶Part1-惯用单句详解详解惯用单句惊讶 第1节 态度表达 第1章 态度意愿哇!Wow! 用在口语中,表示惊奇、欣喜、兴奋等。我简直不能相信自己的耳朵了。I could hardly believe my ears. hardly ad. 几乎不believe v. 相信真是令人难以置信!Unbelievable! I cant believe this. 我真不敢相信。不可能!It cant be true! = Its impossible!= No way!你脑子出毛病了?Are you out of your mind? out of ones mind“精神不正常”这是我万万没料到的。It was the last thing I expected. Who would have thought? 谁会想得到呢? I had no idea! 我一点儿都不知道!太令人吃惊了!What a surprise!= How surprising! Im so surprised. 我太吃惊了。 surprise n. & v. (使)惊奇,(使)诧异这使我极为震惊。It was the shock of my life. It came from out of the blue. 这如同晴天霹雳。 It came from nowhere. 这事也不知道是从哪儿冒出来的。我无言以对。Im speechless. = Im at a loss for words. = I dont know what to say.我真是不知所措。I was taken aback. = I almost lost it. be taken aback“大吃一惊,惊得目瞪口呆”你在开玩笑吧!You are kidding! No kidding! 别开玩笑了!2
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