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Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Section B 2a2e第5课时 学习目标1.知识目标:Grasp the words and expressions 2. 情感目标:合理安排时间,做到守时守信一、 根据中文完成单词1.出乎意料的_2.背包_ 3. 睡过头_4.捎一程_ 5. 着火_ 6.活着_7.机场_ 8.露面_ 9. 市场_10.愚弄_11窘迫的_ 12.使人害羞的_ 13.卖完_14.消失_ 15.响起_ 16. 起飞_ 17.变成_ 18.穿衣服_ 19.对某人开玩笑_ 20.结婚_21.以结束_ _ 22.减肥_23.天太冷了,我们不得不停止比赛。It was cold we had to stop the game.24.她有那么多学生,她不知道该怎么办。 She has she didnt know what to do. 二、单项选择: 1.Lets go to Yandu Park if it _tomorrow. -But nobody knows if it_ tomorrow. A. wont rain; rains B. doesnt rain; rains C. doesnt rain; will rain D. wont rain; will rain2. Not only I but also Jack _crazy about playing football. A .am B. is C. are D. be 3. Another two months will be needed before the new bridge _. A. completes B. is completed C. has completed D. will be completed 4._ we often disagree with each other, we all love our country deeply.A. Although B. If C. Since D. Unless 5.It is _amazing news that everybody was shocked. A. such an B. such a C. so D. such 6.My father doesnt like shopping much. He would rather _ TV at home than _ around for hours in shops. A. watch; walk B. watch; to walk C. to watch; to walk D. to watch; walk 7. -Jim hasnt cleaned his room yet. -_ A. So Lucy has B. So has Lucy C. Neither has Lucy D. Neither Lucy has8.Your application wont until you complete the survey. A. accept B. receive C. be accepted D. be received 9.Well have to stay at home _its raining so heavily. A. so B. until C. though D. since10. Lucy, you look so excited. Why? I will have a _ holiday. A. two-week B. two weeks C. two-weeks D. two weeks 11. Bill, please _ your computer and go to sleep. Its too late. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down 12. Ill buy the green skirt. It _ me well. A. feels B. dresses C. looks D. fits 13. Its difficult _ me to follow you. You speak too fast. A. to B. of C. for D. with 14. The price of the book was so _ that I had to go back home for more money. A. high B. low C. expensive D. cheap 15. Read it _ and you will understand the writer better. A. careful B. carefully C. careless D. carelessly 16. Look! Mr Green is at the end of the street. No. It _ be him. He has gone to England. A. mustnt B. wont C. shouldnt D. cant 17. The next Summer Olympics _ in Brazil in 2020. A. will hold B. will be held C. is held D. is holding 18. Lin Tao practices _ English every day. A. speaking B. speak C. speaks D. to speak 19. _ is impossible if you put your heart into it and try your best. A. Anything B. Something C. Nothing D. Everything 20. Do you know _ Jeff is going to do when he finishes school? A. what B. which C. why D. how 21. When he _ TV, his mother came in. A. watches B. is watching C. watched D. was watching 22.Have you _ all your old toys?Yeah. They are popular. Look, my box is empty now. A. shown up B. set off C. sold out D. broken down 23.Boys and girls! Please _ your compositions after class. Oh, my God! I _ it at home. A. hand in, forgot B. hand in, left C. hand out, forgot D. hand out, left 24. Last Sunday she _ and they had a good time.A. hung out with her friends B. had an ice cream C. took some photos D. went to the park25. Liu Huan, a famous male singer, has long hair, because he _ long hair.A. used to have B. is used to having C. is used for having D. is used to have
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