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Unit 3 English Around the World教师寄语:Im sure that you will make great progress as long as you stick to them. (我相信只要你坚持,你将会取巨大的进步。)Class_ Grade9 Group_ Name_课型:预习+展示课Title: Unit 3 English Around the World (遍及世界的英语)Topic 2:Some things usually have different meanings in different culture.( 有些事物通常在不同的文化中有不同的含义。)Section: A 1a-4 ( P63-64) 两课时Learning steps (学习过程): 一、抽测反馈 (Check before class)(5)(我会做)1、Preview the new words(自学新单词 P55-56) 目标:会读、会写,知道单词的意思。要求:先汉译英并写出单词的音标及词性,然后先组内群学,再由一组学生到台前带读。(在二次铃时完成,学习组长组织并检查评定)1) 为送行 _2)陌生人 ( ) / / _3) 拇指 ( ) / / _4)搭乘,搭车 _5) 小型公共汽车,中巴 ( ) / / _6)让某人搭便车 _7)上车_8)航班飞机,空中航行 ( ) / / _9)旅游指南 ( ) / / _10)无论何时 ( ) / / _11)住宿 ( ) / / _二、学习目标 (Learning target)(1) 1. 学习第63-64页的新词汇,要求会读会写。2. 学习1a 对话,掌握重点句子并了解一些肢体语言的含义;3学习用现在进行时表示将来时的用法。学习重点 难点 1、熟记新单词及词组,背诵1a的对话; 2、掌握用现在进行时表示将来时的用法。三、 自主学习 (Self-study)(20)(我最棒)Task1: 组内读P63/1a 3分钟,在文中划出重点短语并翻译下列句子。(目标:能画出对话中的重点短语并能讲出句子的中文。由一组学生完成。)1Michael and Kangkang are going to see them off. 译:_2. Michael sees a stranger putting out his hand with his thumb raised.译:_3Whenever you need help, send me an e-mail or call me.译:_Task2:根据1a回答下面的问题。(要求:会读每个句子并能准确地讲出它们的意思。)1. Where is Wang Junfeng going tomorrow? _2. What are Kangkang and Michael doing at the airport? _3. Who is he traveling there with ? _Task3:Listen to 1a and choose the best answer.( Who is meeting them tomorrow?)( ) 1. What does Michael see a stranger doing? A. Waving his hand excitedly.B. Putting out his hand with his thumb raised.C. Shaking hands with others.( ) 2. Who is meeting them tomorrow? A. His friend. B. His aunt. C. His uncle.( ) 3. What is Wang Junfeng worried about? A. His English. B. where to buy the guidebook. C. How to ask for help.Task4: 独立完成1b,并核对。(Listen to 1a and number the following pictures.)The answers are : _ 1 _ _Task5: 独立完成1c,并核对(Read 1a and Mark True (T) or False (F).)The answers are : 1)_ 2) _ 3) _ 4)_Task6: 根据1a完成下面的短文。 Wang Junfeng is very excited because he is _to Disneyland with his parents. His friends Kangkang and Michael are going to _ them _.On their way to the _, there is a _ asking for a _.Then they drive there together. Wang Junfengs _ is at 5 oclock and his uncle is _ him. But he is still _about his English. His friends give him some advice. _he needs help, he can read the_, A Tour in the U.S.A, and send an email _ help. 四展示提升 (Lets show and improve )(15)(我参与) Task 1: 仔细读3的句子,注意动词和时间,然后选择适当的答案完成句子。A. I _ ( move/am moving) to Shanghai next month.B. They _ (start/are starting) at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow.C. We are traveling to Beijing _ (next Sunday/ on Sunday).【牢记】用现在进行时表示将来时(Showing the Future by Present Continuous ) be +v.ing(目标:掌握用现在进行时表示将来时的构成及用法。)l 现在进行时表示将来时:由am/is/are+ doing构成。 英语中,表示暂时性动作的词(即位移动词)常用进行时表示将来,这类动词有:come, go, arrive, leave, start, fly, die等;某些非暂时性动作(即非位移动词)也能,如:see, sleep, change, work等。Task 2:仿照4的例子然后给后三幅图编结对话。P1:_ _ _P2:_ _ _P3:_ _ _五 梳理巩固 (Summary )(4)(我能行)1、记住本节课的所学的知识;2、整理导学案,梳理本节课所学的知识,检查导学案并完成导学案上所有内容,学习组长注意检查督促。六检测达标 (Test in the end ) (5)(我会做)
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