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lesson 11 To China, with Love学习目标1教学目标:New words:Norman Bethune,graduate,Toronto,remain,anti-Decision,aid,worst,condition,operate,government,medical Expressions:graduate from, make a decision,get first aid,day after day set up 学习重点Norman Bethune is well known for helping Chinese people in the Anti-Japanese War. People remember how hard he worked day after day in the worst possible conditions to help others.学习难点 培养学生爱国及国际主义情感!学法指导通过课前预习掌握基本知识,通过合作探究解决较难知识,通过堂达标巩固所学知识。知识准备New words and Expressions 备课组补 充学习流程预习检测1. We will remember those who helped us the Anti-Japanese War forever. 2. Wang Bo is famous running fast in our school. 3. A new park will be set in the center of our city next year. 4. Can you help me my maths? 5. The farmers son graduated Yanshan University last year.任务导学1. In 1938, he made a decision to go to northern China because he knew many people were dying in the war.1938年,他决定去中国的北部, 因为他知道战争中有很多人正濒临死亡。 make a decision= decide 做出决定Eg:He pushed her to make a decision.他催她快做决定。2. Norman Bethune is well known for helping Chinese people in the Anti-Japanese War.白求恩以在抗日战争中帮助中国人民而闻名 anti- 表示“反对,抵抗”之义 be known for 因而出名 eg:antisocial 反社会达标检测6. Linda wants to be a doctor, so she is going to study at a m college in the future. 7. He couldnt work in such an awful c any longer. 8. The cartoon film (仍然是) one of the best ones. 9. The (政府) has done a lot to help the people in the earthquake.10. Your grade is bad in the exam, but not the (最坏的).拓展延伸. 根据句意,用所给短语的适当形式填空,每项只限使用一次。remain in use make a decision give first aid be well-known for day after day1. The boy solving maths problems. He is so great!2. Are we going to Beijing today or tomorrow? I think you have to .3. My life seems to be boring. I do the same things . 4. The watch that my grandfather bought twenty years ago now.5. The injured people were as soon as the accident happened last night. 按要求完成句子。6. The actor is well-known for acting bad guys. (对划线部分提问) the actor ?7. This is the boy. He saved my life in the storm. (合并为一句)This is the boy my life in the storm.8. Lin Bo left for America. He didnt say anything to me. (合并为一句)Lin Bo left for America anything to me.9. To catch the train, we got up very early this morning. (对划线部分提问) you get up very early this morning?10.where, you, tickets, know, to, do, the, get (连词成句)小结Lets summarize the key points and difficult points together.作业布置1. Make a project about different manners in one of the countries youd like to travel to.2. Give us a report about it next time!3. Finish the exercises of lesson 11.4. Preview the “Think about it” in next lesson。课后反思
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