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Lesson11 Amazing Plants学习目标 1. Language goals: (1)Master the key words:Egret,tightly,fossil,southwest,living. (2)Learn about some key phrases and sentences:eastern Asia,close up,open up,when it comes to,along with,in the middle of,a living fossil. 2. Ability goals: (1)Learn about the content of the text.(2)Learn to describe some plants in English.学习重点1 Learn about the key words ,phrases and sentences.2 Learn about the content of the text.学习难点1. Master the content of the text.2. How to use the key grammar correctly.学法指导Listen, speak and read.知识准备Review contents we have studied. Review the new lesson. The students can read the new words and the text.学习流程预习检测Ask the students to finish the exercise I of the activity book.任务导学 一Read the lesson and do the exercise 1 of page 27.二Learn some key grammar.1.eastern/southern/western/northern/southeastern/southwestern/northwestern/northeastern以上8个单词只做形容词. 如: Anhui lies in the east of China. Anhui lies in the eastern part of China. Anhui lies in East/Eastern China. Anhui lies east of China.2.否定疑问句的用法:表示肯定的意思,相当于汉语的反问句。1. 将be动词和not 缩写,放句首提问:Arent you Tom? 你难道不是Tom?2. 将情态动词和not 缩写,放句首提问:Cant you be quiet? 你难道就不能安静点?3. 将do 和not 缩写,放句首提问:Lili has gone abroad. Dont you know? Lili 出国了,难道你不知道? 将does 和not 缩写,放句首提问:Doesnt he like mutton? 难道他不喜欢吃羊肉? 将did 和 not 缩写,放句首提问:Didnt you listen to the teacher? 你难道没听老师说?Musnt you talk in class? 你难道课上非说话不可?不是所有的情态动词都可以这样提问,may not 就不行。否定疑问句的形式和一般疑问句的形式完全一样。3. few或a few在句中修饰可数名词,后接可数名词复数;也可用来代替复数名词。few的意思是“很少”,“几乎没有”,含有否定意味;a few则是肯定的,表示“少数几个”,“有些”,与some意思比较接近。如: He is a man of few words. But we all like him, he is a kind-hearted man. There are a few bottles of milk here, you dont have to buy now. little 或a little在句中修饰或代替不可数名词。little表示否定,相当于not much; not enough,意为“几乎没有”;a little表示肯定,意为“rather有点儿,有些”。如: -Would you like some tea? -No, thanks. There is a little in the cup. There is little water in the bottle, you need to get some. a little还常用来修饰形容词、副词、动词,也可以修饰形容词或副词的比较级。如: I work for 4 hours, so I feel a little tired. My sister get up earlier than I. But she get to school a little later than I. Because she runs more slowly than I.4.come to doing 一般,常用的句型是 When it comes to 动词+ing,.意思是当说到.的话题时,. to 是介词,doing是动名词.例如:Harry never misses a trick when it comes to doing business. 谈到做生意,哈里从不错过时机。5. continue to do sth.和continue doing sth.这两种用法是不一样的。 continue to do sth. 是说这件事情已经做好了要继续去做下一件事情。 continue doing sth. 是说这件事情做了一半停了一段时间然后继续去做。例如:Ive finished the math work. Now Im going to continue to do the English work. After taking a rest the students came back to continuing studying.三Let the students read the text.达标检测Do the exercise II of the activity book. 拓展延伸用所给词的适当形式填空1. These arent Kates shoes, _(she) are under the bed.2. In autumn, the _(leaf) on the tree change color and they look beautiful.3. I didnt enjoy the trip very much, _(part) because of the weather.4. He will never forget _(visit) the Great Wall.5. Would you please_(close)the windows when you leave the room?课堂小节Let the students say what they learned this class.作业布置1.Recite the text of lesson 11;2.Review the next lesson.课后反思
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