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Unit 9 Can you come to my party Section B【学习目标】1. 邀请函的格式及常用语2. without 3. so that4. hear from【预备知识】写出感叹句的2个基本句型_翻译: 那个老人太和蔼了!_! 张老师是一个多么严肃的老师啊!_ _!自学提示阅读教材69-71课文写出下列短语回到美国_下周五_举行一个惊喜聚会_ 期待_ 为了,以便_想起 _ 重点句子:1. Bring Ms Steen to the party without telling her so that she can be surprised . 翻译:_ Without 介词,意为_, 后接名词,代词,动名词 Eg:他没戴帽子就出去了。 -_ 他没吃早饭就上学了。-_.So that 意为_,引导目的状语从句,从句中常有may can will 等情态动词EG.他为了赶早班车他起床很早,He gets up early _.2.Hear from sb 意为_ 等于receive a letter from sbEg: 昨天我收到了我朋友的来信。_【夯实基础】 ( ) 1.Can she go to the movies with me?No, she cant. She _soccer. A. played B. plays C. can play D. has to play( ) 2. I _ a letter yesterday. A heard B heared C heard from D received( ) 3.I cant go with you because I_ look after my sister. A. can B. mustnt C. may D. have to( ) 4. Judy_ go to the zoo with you. She has to help her mother at home. A. can B. cant C. may D. may not( ) 5.Can you come to my birthday party on Sunday? _. I have to go to my piano lesson. A. Yes, I can B. Sorry, I cant C. No, I have to D. No, I couldnt.( )6.He is looking forward to _ from his son . A. hear B. hears C.hearing D.heard( ) 7.He went out of the room without _ a word .A.say B.said C speaking D saying.甸中八年级英语上册Unit 9 Section B(2)课堂展示研学案 2020-12-8 审核:一 预习反馈把自学过程遇到的问题写在下面,小组交流讨论_二 预习检测1 I cant pass the test _ his helpA for B with C if D without2我收到了一封朋友的来信_ 同意句_3他天天做运动以便于保持身体健康_三 拓展延伸1 I look forward to hearing from you all .翻译:_look forward to 意为_ ,to 为介词,后接名词,代词,动名词Eg:我正在期待着游览北京。_.2 reply 不及物动词,意为_ reply to sb. 答复某人 Eg 他没有答复我_3 by 在文中表示时间上到之前 后接点时间 eg 你明天之前能完成这份工作么? _?四 达标测评回到美国 _ 下周五_去骑自行车_举行一个惊喜聚会_ 期待_ 想起_ 为了_ 举办聚会最好的时间_什么种类的饮料 _聚会上_书面回复 _ 周五前_他没吃早饭就上学了。 -_.他为了赶早班车他起床很早,_.我正在期待着游览北京。_.后天天我将收到我朋友的来信。_昨天我没有答复他。 _.我妈妈希望我能取得好成绩 。 -_他邀请我们去看电影. _ 请在周四前答复他。 _ )1.Mary is one of my best _ . A. friend . B.friends C. friendly D.more friendly ( ) 2 You should _ sorry to her. A.tell B. speak C.talk D. say ( )3.I want to make the party _ for my friend . A.surprised B. more surprised C.surprise D.surprising( ) 4.Would you like _ shopping this weekend ?A.go B. to go C going D . went ( ) 5.Please reply _him by Monday . A. at B. on C. after D. to
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