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What sweet musicSection D一、学习目标:1复习感叹句。2复习本话题的重要单词、短语、句型和语法。二、学习重点:复习本话题的重要单词、短语、句型和语法。三、学习难点: 复习感叹句知识链接:1.When he was eight,his father asked a music teacher to teach him to play the piano. 本句包括两个动词不定式作宾补的结构:ask sb.to do sth.与 teach sb.to do sth.2.It is great fun for him. fun为名词,“有趣的人或事;乐趣,玩笑”,它是个不可数名词。 fun还可以是个形容词,意为“逗乐的,有趣的,使人快乐的”。辨析fun 和 funny fun=enjoyable, 意为“逗乐的,有趣的,使人快乐的”。 funny意为“滑稽的,好笑的,奇怪的,难以解释的”。一、自习阅读教材(词汇过关)I看第135页P69的新单词,试拼读,并小组内相互拼读。II熟记并默写。宁静,平静,和平 2.文化,文明 二. 翻译重点短语1.各种各样的_ 2.带给人们舒适_3.心灵的平静 4.要求某人做某事 5.不同的人有不同的品味 6.教某人做某事_ 7.讨厌做某事_8.喜欢做某事_ _ 9.太吵了_ 10.使某人快乐_11.最喜欢_12.不同的音乐_ 13.一点也不_14.受欢迎的_三. 翻译文中重点句子1音乐使人快乐。译 :_2.他的父亲请了一位钢琴教师教他弹钢琴。译:_3.他对此感到很有趣。译:_4小提琴音乐是他最喜欢的音乐。译 :_5.用小提琴演奏的古典音乐能使他快乐。译:_6.不同的音乐使他们开心。译:_7.他讨厌听摇滚音乐。译:_8.多么悦耳的音乐啊!译:_我想问:_ 家长签字_预习等级_组长签字_二、自主探究活动一:Read 1a do 1b. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with What/How. Doing grammar and functions.活动二:Work alone.Complete the project.三、自测I.单项选择( )1.Tom likes playing_volleyball,and his sister likes playing_piano. A.a;a B.the;the C./;the D.the;/( )2.Jay Chou is famous_a pop singer.A.for B.as C.of D.with ( )3.Mary writes as _as Lucy.A.careful B.carefully C.more careful D.less careful ( )4.I teach my son_ table tennis every weekend.A.play B.playsC.playing D.to play( )5.-Could you _me your bike,please? -Sorry,I will use it.You can _Jacks.A.borrow;lent B.borrowed;lendC.borrow;lend D.lend;borrow( )6.I dont think rock music_. A.sounds beautiful B.sounds beautifully C.sounded beautiful D.sounding beautifully( )7._ the story is!A.What interesting B.How interesting C.What interested D.How interested ( )8.He says violin music can relax him and _. A.make him happily B.make him happy C.make him unhappy D.make him happiness ( )9.Look!_ beautiful girl.A.What B.What aC.How D.What an( )10.Mozart was able to play the piano by himself_the age of 13.A.at B.in C.of D.withII.根据汉语提示完成句子。1.Celine Dion is going to _ _ _ (举办音乐会)at the Music Hall.2.-Are you good at _ _ _(拉小提琴)?-NO,but I like playing it.3.-I am afraid I cant go to the party.-_ _ _(多可惜呀)!4.Tenger _ _ _(以闻名)his folk songs.5.Pop music is very popular _ _ _(在年轻人中)III.句型转换。把下列陈述句变成感叹句。1.Jay Chou is very famous._ _ Jay Chou is!2.Kitty is a lovely cat._ _ _ cat Kitty is!3.Wang Junfeng plays the drums carefully._ _ Wang Junfeng plays the drums!4.The music sounds wonderful._ _ music!5.That is an interesting movie._ _ _ _ it is!四、自结我想说:_ 六、课后作业I.完形填空。 (一) Beethoven was a great musician.He was famous _1_ his great masterpieces(杰作)。His father was a singer and he wanted him _2_ a famous musician like Mozart.His father _3_ him to play the violin when he was four years old.He_4_ his first public performance(表演)when he was eight years old.In 1878,he wen to Vienna to _5_ music under Mozart.After that,he made great progress._6_ he was unlucky.He became dea
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