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一、判断题 (判断下述说法是否正确,如不正确, 请说 明理由)1.( )According to INCOTERMS 2010, under FOB contract, the buyer has no obligation to contract for insurance and pay the insurance premium.2.( )According to INCOTERMS 2010, under CIF contract, the seller must procure marine insurance, while under CFR contract, it is a common practice that the buyer contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium. So under the CIF contract, the goods are sellers risk during the international marine transport, while under the CFR contract, it is the buyer who should bear the risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the international marine transport.3.( )Under CIF contract, the seller would better ship the goods before the time of shipment stipulated in the contract for fear of the loss of late arrival of the goods to the buyer.4.( ) When the risk of loss of or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer, all the charges and obligations of this international transaction will be transferred from the seller to the buyer immediately.5.( ) According to INCOTERMS 2010, under EXW contract, the sellers obligation is minimum.6.( )International customs and practice is the international standard which is of some guiding significance to international business. So all the international business persons should abide by the international customs and practice.7.( ) Bear B/L requires no endorsement for the transfer of it, therefore, it is often used in international trade. 8.( ) According to CISG, if the package of the goods is not in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract, the buyer could reject the goods and lodge claims.9.( ) If the goods are sold by weight, but there isnt any stipulations about the method for calculating weight in the contract, then the payment for goods should be calculated according to its net weight.10.( )Partial loss or damage is not recoverable with FPA.11.( ) In ocean marine insurance, general average should be borne by the carrier totally, who may, upon presentation of evidence of the loss, recover the loss from the insurance company.12.( )Demurrage is a fine imposed on the charterer for the delay in the loading and/or unloading of the goods.13.( )Order B/L can be transferred with endorsement.14.( )Unclean B/L will be accepted by the buyer or the issuing bank.15.( ) A B/L, Rail Way Bill, or Air Way Bill could be negotiated or transferred because all of them are documents of title to the goods.16.( )According to INCOTERMS 2010, under CIF contract, the seller has no obligation to give the buyer prompt shipping advice after the goods are shipped on board the vessel, because the seller has insured the goods for the buyer before shipment.17.( )According to UCP 600, the issuing bank shall have a maximum of five banking days following the day of presentation to determine if a presentation is complying. When the issuing bank decides to refuse to honor, it must give a single notice to that effect to the presenter.18.( )According to UCP 600, all the credits are irrevocable and thereby constitute a definite undertaking of the issuing bank to honor a complying presentation.19.( )Under D/P, the remitting bank and the collecting bank offer their collection service with discretion but they usually dont promise to get the sales proceeds for the seller.20.( )Under D/A, the collecting bank should be responsible for the goods ( including take and store the goods, etc. ) if the buyer doesnt accept the sellers draft(s) and documents.21.( )An L/C prohibits partial shipments and the beneficiary presents 3 sets of B/L each with a different on board date and place but showing the same destination, vessel and voyage. According to UCP600, this does not constitute partial shipments. 22.( )按国际招标惯例,如招标人在评标过程中认为所有的投标均不理想从而不想选定中标人,也可宣布招标失败,拒绝全部投标。23.( )按联合国国际货物销售合同公约的规定, 发盘可以撤回,其条件是发盘人的撤回通知必须在受盘人发出接受通知前传达到受盘人。24.( )独家代理和包销两种贸易方式,前者是委托代理关系,后者是买卖关系。25.( )清洁提单是指提单表面整洁、没有污点。26( )普惠制 产地证的 签证日期不得早于发票日期和申 报日期,而应早于货物的出运日期。 27( )出口货物发货人只能向中国国际贸易促进委员会及其地方分会申领一般原产地证书。28.( )一般贸易进出口货物应在出口报关或出运前 7 天报检。29.( )出口退税申报时间是报关单上注明的出口日期起 90 天内。30( )对列入法检目录的出口商品,由 检验检 疫机构实施强制性检验, 对合格商品检验检疫机构签发出境货物通关单。此出境货物通关单必须在向海关申报时交给海关审核。若没有提交纸制通关单,即使检验检疫机构电脑有合格记录,海关也不予放行。31.( )信用证规定装运港为 Chinese Port,缮制提 单时,装运港一栏应照样填Chinese Port。32.( )出口收 汇核销单的作用体现在国家职能部门对出口货物的收汇跟踪管理,防止外汇流失。33.( )出口收汇核销单的存根、正文联、出口退税专用联中的相同栏目必须一致。34( )出境货物报检单的“标记及号码” 一栏,应与合同、 发票等有关外贸单据保持一致。35.( )承兑是远期汇票的付款人表示承担到期付款责任的书面行为。二、不定项选择题1、FOB 和 FCA 的主要区别是( )A.前者适用于水上运输,后者适用于一切运 输B.前者由 卖方负责办理出口手续,后者由 买方负责办 理出口手续C.前者由 买方负责租船订舱,后者由 卖方负责订立运 输合同D.前者的风险和费用转移同步,后者的 风险和费用转移不同步2、通则规定,CFR 条件下卸货时可能形成的驳船费( )A.由买方负担 B.由卖方 负担C.CFR Landed 条件下买方负担 D.CFR Ex Tackle 条件下买方负担3、采用 FOB 条件成交时,卖方欲不负担装船费用,可采用( )A.FOB Liner Terms B.FOB Stowed C.FOB Trimmed D.FOB ST4、按通则,卸货费用
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