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七年级(上) Units 14河北中考基础知识梳理编者按:此部分严格按照冀教课本词汇表梳理单词、词性、汉语意思,旨在让学生加强对重点单词、短语的记忆。类别课标考点要求词汇拓展1.one(序数词)_2real(副词)_3forget(反义词)_4borrow(反义词)_5scarf(复数)_6.fun(形容词)_7colour(形容词)_8sad(反义词)_9tradition(形容词)_10play(名词)_11.full(反义词)_12catch(单三式)_13pass(单三式)_14glass(复数)_15sandwich(复数)_短语互译1.be from_2How are you?_3good morning_4over there_5_带领参观6_给你7_购物单8_看9_出现10just now_11catch a cold_12.(be)ready for_13go back_14_穿上15_和很相配;协调16_一双;一对17_听18wave ones hand_19see red_20see a doctor_21stay home_22have a rest_句型温故1.“珍妮,那边的那位男士是谁?”“他是琼斯先生。我们的指导老师。”Jenny,_ the man over there?Hes Mr. Jonesour homeroom teacher.2“那是什么?”“那是实验室。”_?Its a lab.3“打扰一下。珍妮,我可以有一本书吗?”“可以!给你。”Excuse me. _,Jenny?OK!_4你最喜欢的衣服是什么?_ your favourite clothes?5“这些是谁的手套?”“它们对我来说太小了。或许它们是琳的手套。”_?They are too small for me. Maybe theyre Lynns gloves.6不要忘记你的伞。_ your umbrella.7让我们去动物园吧。Lets _8.什么天气你会穿它?_ can you wear it in?9“你能为我写作业吗?”“对不起,我不能。”_?Sorry,I cant.10这个单词的意思是什么?_this word?11丹尼的妈妈想让他吃多少面包圈?_ donuts does Dannys mother want him to eat?12“爸爸,我们早餐吃什么?”“我们有燕麦粥,面包,水果和果汁。”_,Dad?We have cereal,bread,fruit and juice.13面条多少钱?_ are the noodles?14“你想要一些喝的东西吗?”“是的,我想要一些水。”_?Yes,I would like some water.语法总览1.系动词be。2物主代词和人称代词。3动词have/has的用法。4.可数名词与不可数名词。5一般现在时。话题再现1.问候与告别 2.介绍和致谢3谈论衣服和颜色 4.表达感情5.谈论身高 6.看病和就餐7谈论喜欢与不喜欢河北五年中考真题演练编者按:针对河北近5年基础题型(单项选择、词语运用、连词成句)逐课时分类别进行呈现,即词汇类、语法类和句型类,旨在让学生明确各课时的复习重难点,全面把握中考命题方向,有的放矢,高效备考。词汇类( )1.(2020年30题)I want a sweet milk.Put some_ in my cup,please.Aice Bsoup Csalt Dsugar( )2.(2020年33题)Dont forget _ thanks when other people help you.Aaccept Bto acceptCsay Dto say( )3.(2020年35题)Mom is making dinner.It _ so nice!Asmells Btastes Cfeels Dsounds4(2020年84题)Michael _ (meet) his old friend Lily this morning.( )5.(2020年30题)Id like a _ for dessert.Fruit,you know,is good for health.Apotato Bbanana Ccandy Dpie语法类人称代词和物主代词( )6.(2020河北27题)My brother likes painting.Its one of _ hobbies.Amy Bher Chis Dyour( )7.(2020河北29题)Do you have toys?Id like to buy _for my cousin.Ait Bone Cthis Dthat( )8.(2020年27题)It is a good habit of _ to read a few lines before going to bed.AI Bme Cmy Dmine( )9.(2020年27题)George reads the newspaper every morning.Thats _ habit.Ahe BhimChis Dhimself连词成句类10(2020年86题)do,a,have,you,ruler_?11(2020年87题)nice,the,taste,noodles_.12(2020年86题)better,are,feeling,you_?河北中考重难点突破编者按:按照全新的“练讲”翻转课堂模式策划。先设置考点抢测进行自我检验,再结合考点剖析针对有问题的地方进行选择性学习,便于把握重点,彻底通晓。最后针对本课时重难点知识通过课后作业(考点精练)进行综合性学习,达到牢固掌握的目的。 forget的用法【考点抢测】1Im sorry,I forgot _(做)my homework. May I hand it in this afternoon?2Dont you _(记得见过) the man before?( )3.(2020菏泽中考)Danny,I forgot _ with you about this question last night.Atalk BtookCtalking Dtalks( )4.(2020承德二中模拟)A storm is on the way. Dont forget _ the window when you go to sleep,Mike.I wont,Mum.Aclose BclosingCto close Dclosed【考点剖析】 forget todo sth.“忘记做某事”,事情没有发生。I forgot to lock the door after school yesterday.昨天放学后我忘记了锁门。forget doing sth.“忘记做过某事”,事情已经发生,但忘记了。I forgot locking the door after school yesterday.我忘记昨天放学已锁过门了。【考点拓展】forget的反义词为remember,其用法与forget相似:remember to do sth.记着要做某事remember doing sth.记得做过某事 辨析borrow,lend和keep【考点抢测】borrow,lend,keep1May I _ your dictionary?Certainly,but you mustnt _ it to others.2I _ this basketball for two weeks. I have to return it now.3He _ an eraser from her.( )4.(2020青岛中考)Members can _ ten books from the library at any time.Aborrow BkeepClend Dask【考点剖析】三者都可以表示“借”的意思,但用法不同: (1)borrow和lend这两个词都是短暂性动词,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。borrow对主语而言是“借入”,指从别人那里借东西,常与介词from连用;而lend对主语而言是“借出”,指借东西给别人,常与介词to连用。(2)keep在表示“借”时,是延续性动词,通常表示“借某物多长时间”,多接for短语表示时间。 on的用法【考点抢测】(
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