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第10组excellentadj. 极好的;优秀的【例句】His excellent shot went low to the left of the girls goal.他的漂亮射门沿左侧低低进入女队球门。- What do you think of the film “Harry Potter”? 你觉得哈利波特这不电影如何?- Excellent! 太棒了!【用法】excellent好极了,优秀的,同义词为very good。excellent常用于情景语言中对某事(物)评判时作出较高的评价;此时同义词为wonderful, grat等。shotn.(球赛中)击,射门,投篮;发射【例句】Just before half time, Li Xiaolin made the score 2:1, with a beautiful shot into the top right-hand corner of the boys goal. 就在比赛的前半场,李晓琳把比分改写为2比1,以一个漂亮的射门把球踢进了男子球门的右上角。【助记】shothot(adj. 热的)nervousadj. 紧张不安的【例句】At first, the girls had felt a bit nervous, but then they became more and more confident. 开始,女生们感到有点紧张,但是后来她们越来越自信。She looks nervous. 她看上去心神不安。lazyadj. 懒惰的【例句】Its a lazy summer day today. 今天是一个令人懒散的夏日。The lazy boys hands are very dirty. 那个懒孩子的手非常脏。【助记】天生懒惰(lazy),上班天天迟到(late)。carry on坚持下去;继续下去【例句】However, after that the boys became relaxed and lazy, but the girls carried on working hard. 然而,至此之后,男生们变得懒散松懈,但女生们继续卖力地踢。Well carry on our discussion tomorrow.我们明天继续讨论。【用法】carry on表示“继续下去,坚持下去”on为介词。carry on后可以接名词、动名词,一般不接动词不定式。例如:They carried on working thought they were very tired.尽管他们很累,仍然继续工作。finaladj. 最后的【例句】Then Li Xiaolin scored twice in the last six minutes to make the final score 4-3. 后来李晓琳在最后六分钟连进两球,最后比分为4比3。This is a final game of the football match. 这是足球赛的最后决赛。amazingadj. 令人惊奇的;惊人的【例句】It was an amazing finish to an exciting match.就一场激动人心的比赛而言,这真的是一个令人吃惊的结局。The car went an amazing speed. 汽车以惊人的速度行驶。【用法】amazing adj.令人惊奇的;惊人的,主语为物或作定语修饰物;amazed adj. 吃惊的,主语为人,例如:I was amazied at the news. 我听到这个消息大为吃惊。be pleased with对感到满意【例句】The girls PE teacher, Miss Wang, was very pleased with their perform ance.女生的体育老师 王老师对她们的战果非常满意。Im very pleased with what he has done. 我对他所做的一切都很满意。【用法】be pleased with sth. 表示“对满意”。with后接名词或从句;be pleased to do sth.表示“乐于做某事”,例如:She was pleased to help us. 她很乐意帮助我们。performancen. 演出;成果;成绩【例句】Her performance in the play was very good. 她在剧中的表演非常好。The evening performance is at 8 oclock. 晚场演出在八点。teamworkn. 合作;协同工作【例句】I told them that the most important thing was teamwork. 我告诉她们最重要的是打配合战。【助记】team(团队)work(工作) teamwork(合作)baseballn. 棒球【例句】What do you think makes a good baseball player?你认为怎样才能成为一名好的棒球队员?Do you like playing baseball? 你喜欢打棒球吗?【助记】baseballfootball(足球)basketball(篮球)volleyball(排球)never mind 没有关系【例句】Im sorry I mistook you for your sister. 对不起,我把你错当作你姐姐了。Never mind. 没关系。boringadj. 令人厌烦的【例句】It was a boring match. 这是一场令人厌烦的比赛。【助记】bor(bore,厌烦)ing boringspill(spilt;spilt)v. 溢出;溅出;洒出【例句】Her little brother has spilt cola over the last page of her diary. 她的小弟弟把可乐洒在她的最后一页日记上。The ink has spilt on the desk. 墨水溅在桌子上。from now on从现在起;今后【例句】From now on, just keep passing the ball and play together as a team.从现在起,继续传球,打配合战。You must get up at six from now on. 从今天起你必须六点钟起床。rulen. 规则;规定【例句】We have another game called “Aussie rules football”. 我们还有另一种运动叫“澳大利亚规则足球”。We must obey the rules of the school. 我们必须遵守学校的规章制度。againstprep.与对抗;对着【例句】You said your next match was against a girls team. 你说你们下一场比赛将和女队踢球。We will play against No. 6 Middle School this Saturday. 本周六我们将迎战第六中学。【助记】again(再一次)against(对着)expectv. 期望;预期【例句】I expect that was funny! 我想一定很有趣!We expect her on tomorrows train. 我们预料她会乘明天的火车来。【助记】expect(v.期望;预期)except(prep.除了)roughadj. 粗鲁的;激烈的【例句】Its a much rougher game than soccer,and its quite easy for players to get hurt. 这是一项比普通足球激烈得多的运动,队员很容易受伤。Dont be rough on others. 不要对待人粗暴。【助记】rough(adj.粗鲁的;激烈的)enough(adj.足够的)Aussien.(Australian)澳大利亚人【例句】“Aussie” is short for “Australian”. “Aussie”是“Australian”的简称。necklacen.项链【例句】Someone has stolen my necklace! 有人偷了我的项链。Mother bought me a gold necklace. 昨天妈妈给我买了一付金项链。【助记】neck(脖子)lace(饰带)戴在脖子上的饰带necklace(项链)stealv.偷;窃取【例句】When was it stolen? 什么时候被偷的?He stole the books from the shelf.他从书架上偷走了两本书。【用法】steal sth.偷某物。例如:Somenonehas stolen my watch.有人把我手表偷走了。常用短语还有:steal sth from sb.(or sth. else)。hands up举手【例句】Hands up! 举起手来!【用法】hands up!的同义句为Put up your hands!。hand短语:hand in hand(手拉手);hand in(上交);hand out(分发);hand over(移交)shootv. 射击;射死【例句】Ill shoot anyone who moves! 谁动就打死谁!He shoted a bird, but missed it. 他射鸟,但没有射中。【助记】shootfoot(n.脚)boot(n.靴子)【用法】shoot作为及物动词,意思是“射死,射中,射伤,发射,开(枪)”;例如:The man was shot in the leg.这位男人被击中腿部。作为不及物动词,意思是“射击,射门,抛出”。shoot也可作名词,表示“射门”、“投蓝”、“发射”等。go shooting(去狩猎);shoot at(向射击)detectiven. 侦探【例句】The detective film is very interesting. 这部侦探电影非常有趣。I wang to borrow a decetive story. 我想借一本侦探小说。【助记】detect(察觉,探知)ive(形容词后缀)detective(n. 侦探)inspectorn.警官;监督员【例句】He was talking with the inspector about the lost necklace. 他正与警官谈论有关那条丢失的项链的情况。His wife is an inspector and he is a driver. 他妻子是个警官,而他是个司机。thiefn. 贼【例句】The thief took our parrot, too! 贼把我们的鹦鹉也偷走了。His bike was stolen by thief. 他的自行车被小偷偷去了。noticev. 注意;通知【例句】When di
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