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Unit2 Lets Check 课时训练一、听录音,连线。1. A. 2. B. 3. C. 二、连词成句。1. We, beach, at, the, Christmas, often, go, to, (.)_2. Im, to, going, not, school, (.)_3. June, its, day, in, on, third, Sunday, the, (.)_4. playing, is, games, fun, many, (.)_三、想一想, 写一写。根据所给节日, 写一写你对这个节日的了解。1. Spring Festival: _2. Mothers Day: _3. Teachers Day:_参考答案一、1-3 BAC二、1. We often go to the beach at Christmas.2. Im not going to school. 3. Its on the third Sunday in June. 4. Playing many games is fun.三、略听力材料一、1. Chen Wei likes Spring Festival best. 2. Li Fei likes moon cakes, so her favorite festival is Mid-Autumn. 3. Thomas likes Christmas best.
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