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Units56 考点一 (B )1.What a nice day! We should go sightseeing _ watching TV in the hotel.Abecause ofBinstead ofCtogether withDout of (D )2.Weve got no coffee. Lets have tea _.AeitherBhoweverCyetDinstead选词填空3My brother isnt good at math. _Instead_, he is good at English.4Mr. Zhang likes reading newspapers _instead_of_ books. 考点二 (D )1.Please remind me_some fruit on my way home.AbuyBbuyingCbuysDto buy(B )2.The soft music_me_my music teacher.Areminds; aboutBreminded; ofCremember; ofDremember; for同义句转换3The picture often reminds me of my school days.I often _think_ _of_ my school days when I _see_ the picture. 考点三 (B )1.The doctor wanted to _his sister_a farmer.Amarry; withBmarry; toCmarried; withDmarried; to(C )2.Jason and Amy are both teachers and they _ for ten years.Ahave marriedBhave got marriedChave been marriedDhave married to(B )3.My sister and her husband_until last October.Agot marriedBdidnt get marriedCwould get marriedDwerent getting married将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式4She _got_married_to_/married_ an American last month. (和结婚)5It was her mother who _married_her_to_Tom_, and they have a happy family.(把她嫁给了汤姆) 考点四 (A )1.How many apples are there in the refrigerator?_.ANoneBNobodyCNo oneDNothing选词填空2_None_ of my friends likes playing basketball.3_Nobody/No_one_ knows about it.考点五 (D )1.Sun Yang is _popular_more than 9 million people become his fans in Microblog.Atoo; toBto; tooCsuch; thatDso; that(A )2.My Lucky Star(非常幸运)is _ an interesting programme_I would like to see it again.Asuch; thatBtoo; toCas; asDso; that同义句转换3. It was so fine a day yesterday that we all went out for a picnic.It was _such_ _a_ _fine_ day yesterday _that_ we all went out for a picnic.4He goes to France in order that he can learn French.He goes to France _so_that_ he can learn French.
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