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云南省富民县散旦中学七年级英语下册 Unit3 Why do you like koalas导学案(2) 人教新目标版【耳听八方】2aanimalspandasDescription wordsinteresting要求:1.先听一遍在表格中填出所听到的动物2再听一遍填出描述动物的.形容词 3.练习句子“Pandas are .【温馨提示】学会用形容词来描述动物Kinds of 种类听力小贴士听第一遍先把握段落大意并填空,第二遍理解通篇意思并自主检查。第三标:反馈目标10分钟,自主作答,分级、分层达标,限时完成。【当堂检测】(分钟)一、选择正确的词填空。favorite, do, are, does, animals, let, lets, come1- What kind of _ do you think are the biggest on the earth? - Elephants.2_ go to see the new teacher in our school.3Why _ Maria like small animals?4Is your _ pet panda?5Where do lions _ from?二按要求转换句型, 一空一词。The koala comes from Australia. (变否定句) The koala _ _ from Australia.He likes dolphins very much. (变一般疑问句) _ he _ dolphins very much?The zoo is across from a big and clean hotel. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the zoo?4. The shy girl wants to see giraffes. (对划线部分提问)_ _ does the shy girl want to see?Pandas are from China. (同义句转换) Pandas _ _ China.四Form sentences. 组词成句。1. want, koalas, to, the, do, you, see_?2. giraffe, South, smart, the, does, Africa, not, from, come_.3. see, first, dolphins, the, lets_.4.do, want, why, they, pandas, see, those, to【反思升华】(3分钟)1本节课的目标达成了吗?2在达成过程中还存在哪些困难?1. 本节课的收获有哪些?【命题意图】考查学生对词汇的掌握情况。【触类旁通】1.考察be from 和come from的用法及互换。2letslet us let sb do sth让某人做某事
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