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Chapter 1 France is calling Language城郊中学牛津英语8B英语导学案5课题TopicChapter 1 France is calling Language 6-10课型Type L+S学习目标Learning aims知识KnowledgeTo know about the usage of the definite article情感EmotionTo be interested in using English correctly能力AbilityTo use the definite article correctly重点和难点Key and difficultyWords: mention, goggles, sunhat, conversation, desert, drum, guitar, flute, squashExpressions: for the first time, talk about, over there, by underground, Sentences: the imperative sentence; “if conditional sentence时间预设TimesharingP2 L10 S18 S2 C8 学习策略Learning strategy Group co-operation inquiry learning教学环节教学环节课前复习 熟悉下列词语mention_ goggles_ sunhat_ conversation_ desert_ drum_ guitar_ flute_ squash_ roll_ film_tent_ tennis racket_ the Sahara Desert_ by underground_新课导入 There are only three articles in English. But they are one of the most difficult items for us Chinese students to mast. Today lets try to use them correctly. 探究展示I短语1. 第一次_ 2. 一卷胶卷_3. 一副游泳镜_4. 网球拍_ 5. 讨论_6. 例如_7. 在飞机场_ 8. 在那边_9. 在邮局旁边_ 10北极_II写出划线部分的近义词(语)1. Close the door, please. _2. Repair the chair, please. _3. Switch on the fan, please. _ _4. Turn off the computer, please. _ _5. You have to go across the sea. _III. 汉译英1. 请把门旁边的窗户打开。Please _ the door _ the window.2. 请接电话。Please _ _ _.3. 把计算器递给我。_ me _ _._ _ _ _ me.4. 请把电脑关掉。Please _ _ _ _5. 我可以在那儿学法语。I can learn_ _ _ there.I can learn_ there.6. 为什么不去巴黎?_ _ go to Paris?_ _ _ go to Paris?点拨不定冠词a,an用法1用于可数名词单数前泛指一类人或物。a book, a friend2用来表示数量,没有one 强烈。a day or two, a piece of3 用于固定短语in a hurry, have a rest“a后辅音an后元。音标决定谁入选”定冠词the用法1前面出现的名词再一次出现时。2用于谈话双方都知道的事物前。3play与乐器连用时,乐器前加the。play the guitar4用于序数词前。the second, the fifth5用于adj最高级前。the most beautiful6 the + adj表一类人。the rich, the young, the blind7 the + 姓氏的复数表全家人或夫妇。 the Smiths, the Lis8 用于世界上独一无二的事物前。the sun, the moon, the Great Wall零冠词用法1泛指的不可数名词前不用任何冠词。I like music.3 by加交通工具等表交通方式时。by car, by sea,3一般专有名词前。Beijing, China, Asia 4 球类、棋类运动前。play volleyball, play chess5 Day节假日前。Childrens day6 一日三餐前breakfast, lunch, supper7 固定短语中。for example, in fact8 被指示代词或形容词性物主代词所修饰的词。my first book, this room 反馈检测 单选1.Please pay your attention to your spelling, youve dropped _ “f” in the word famous. A. a B. an C. the D. /2. _ Georges go to the cinema once_week. A. The, a B. The, the C. /, the D. /, a 3. -Which pen would you like? -_ black one.A. / B. The C. A D. An4. -Will you go there by _ train? -No, Ill go take _ bus.A. /, a B. a, the C. /, / D. the, a5. Betty likes to play not only _but also _ violin.A. the, a B. the, the C. /, the D. /, /课后作业 单选1. My mother bought _ case yesterday. _ case is _ blue one. A. a, a, a B. a. the, the C. a, the, a D. a, a, the2. Her _ second thing is to finish her homework.(易错题)A. a B. an C. the D. /3. -What do you think of _ story “Harry Potter”? -Its _ wonderful story, I think.A. a, a B. a, the C. the, the D. the, a4. _ Huanghe River is _ second longest river in China. A. the, the B. A, a C. the, a D. A, the5. We always have _ rice for _ lunch.A. the, a B. the, the C. /,a D. /, /反思
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