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Science and technology 科学技术Academic publishing 学术出版Free-for-all 自由竞争Open-access scientific publishing is gaining ground 科学出版的开放存取已逐渐被人们所接受AT THE beginning of April, Research Councils UK, a conduit through which the government transmits taxpayers money to academic researchers, changed the rules on how the results of studies it pays for are made public. 四月初,英国研究理事会一个由政府向学术研究者提供资金机构-改变了它的一项规则:即该机构提供资助的一些研究成果是否可以自由出版。经济学人下载:学术出版 自由竞争From now on they will have to be published in journals that make them available freepreferably immediately, but certainly within a year. 从今后,这些成果将必须在期刊上自由,免费发表最好是结果出来后立即出版,但是出版时间最迟不能超过一年。In February the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy told federal agencies to make similar plans. 今年二月,白宫科学和技术政策办公室也要求联邦机构做出与之相类似的计划。A week before that, a bill which would require free access to government-financed research after six months had begun to wend its way through Congress. 在此前一周,国会也通过了一项法案即政府资助研究产生成果六个月后,可以自由出版,虽然投票通过的过程有些曲折。The European Union is moving in the same direction. 同时,欧盟也正在同样方向的指导下做着类似的工作。So are charities. 慈善机构同样如此。And SCOAP3, a consortium of particle-physics laboratories, libraries and funding agencies, is pressing all 12 of the fields leading journals to make the 7,000 articles they publish each year free to read. 而且,一个由众多粒子物理实验室,图书馆和资助机构组成的联合体-SCOAP3已经向该领域的12个先锋期刊提出如下要求:即他们每年出版的7,000篇文章都能免费阅读。For scientific publishers, it seems, the party may soon be over. 对科学出版社们来说,这似乎预示着独享的快乐聚会可能就快结束了。It has, they would have to admit, been a good bash. 不过,他们将不得不承认,这是一个很好的尝试。The current enterpriseselling the results of other peoples work, submitted free of charge and vetted for nothing by third parties in a process called peer review, has been immensely profitable. 现在的企业销售他人的工作成果,不要承认任何费用,而且不要接受被称为同行检查的第三方审查,已经是极有利润可图了。Elsevier, a Dutch firm that is the worlds biggest journal publisher, had a margin last year of 38% on revenues of 2.1 billion. 荷兰的爱思唯尔是全球最大的杂志出版商,去年在这个方面的利润达到了总收入的38%。Springer, a German firm that is the second-biggest journal publisher, made 36% on sales of 875m in 2011. 而第二大出版商德国的施普林格,就其最近一年2011年可查的数据来看,出版研究成果的收入达到了当年销售收入8.75亿欧元的36%。Such firms are now, though, faced with competitors set up explicitly to cover only their costs. 但是,现在这些公司也面临着仅为赚取投资成本而起家的竞争对手的挑战。Some rely on charity, but many have a proper business model: academics pay a fee to be published. 有些企业倚重的却是慈善出版物,但是,它们大多都有一个合适的商业模式:学者都要支付一定的费用才能出版他们的研究成果。So, on the principle of if you cant beat em, join em, commercial publishers, too, are setting up open-access subsidiaries. 因此,本着如果你不能打败他们,那就加入他们的原则,商业出版社也开始设立可以开放存取的子公司。Open for business 开业了The biggest is BioMed Central, part of Springer. 影响最大的是生物医学中心,它隶属于斯林普格,创建于2000年。It was founded in 2000 and in February it published its 150,000th paper and also launched its 250th periodical, catchily entitled theJournal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases. 今年二月,它出版了它的十五万篇文章,也出版了它的第250期期刊,它的题目很吸引人有毒动物,及包含热带疾病的毒素。Days later Nature Publishing Group, which owns Nature and 81 other journals, and which itself belongs to the Georg von Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, another German firm, bought a majority stake in Frontiers, a Swiss open-access platform with 30 titles in 14 scientific fields. 几天以后,拥有自然杂志和其它81种杂志的自然出版集团-它本身隶属于另一家德国公司:格奥尔格-冯-霍尔茨布林克出版集团,购买了前锋一家拥有14个科研领域30种期刊的瑞士开放存取平台的多数股权。In combination, NPG and Frontiers publish 46 open-access journals, and 7,300 free papers a year. 联姻后,自然集团和前锋每年能够出版46个开放存取期刊,及7,300篇文章。In the past year Elsevier has more than doubled the number of open-access journals it publishes, to 39. 去年,艾思维尔把它出版的开放存取期刊的数量增加了一倍以上,达到了39个。And even in those that usually charge readers, paying a publication fee makes a paper available free immediately. 甚至那些通常收费的出版商,在支付出版费用后,也能够立刻免费读到这些文章。Outsell, a Californian consultancy, estimates that open-access journals generated 172m in 2012. 据一家加州咨询公司奥特舒尔估计,去年开放存取杂志产生了1.72亿美元的收入。That was just 2.8% of the total revenue journals brought their publishers, but it was up by 34% from 2011 and is expected to reach 336m in 2015. The number of open-access papers is forecast to grow from 194,000 to 352,000 in the same period. 而这仅仅占了出版商全部杂志收入的2.8%,但是相比于2011年,已经增加了34%,估计到2015年,全部开放存取杂志的收入会达到3.36亿美元。届时,开放存取文章的数量将会从19.4万篇增加到35.2万篇。Open-access publishers are also looking at new ways of doing business. 开放存取出版商也在探索这方面的新方式。Frontiers, for example, does not try to judge a papers significance during peer review, only its accuracyan approach also adopted by the Public Library of Science, a non-commercial organisation based in San Francisco that was one of the pioneers of open-access publishing. It thus accepts 80-90% of submissions. 比如,前锋并不注重一篇文章在同行眼光中的重要性,而只专注于它的准确性这也是公共科学图书馆所采取的方法,因此,前锋获得了所提交研究论文中80-90%的出版权。Instead, a Frontiers papers merit is gauged after publication, using measures like the number of downloads. 相反,前锋文章的一个优点是,在出版后,通过类似下载数量的衡量方式来对文章进行评判。Frontiers also dou
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