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北京市北京市 20202020 届九年级英语上学期届九年级英语上学期 1010 月月考试题 无答案 月月考试题 无答案 人人 教新目标版教新目标版 考考 生生 须须 知知 1 考生要认真填写密封线内的班级 姓名 学号 2 本试卷包括九道大题 共 4 页 考试时间 90 分钟 3 答题前要认真审题 看清题目要求 按要求认真作答 4 答题时字迹要工整 卷面要整洁 答题须用黑色字迹的签字笔 一 选择填空 共一 选择填空 共 3939 分 分 1 Thousands of trees on the mountain by the people last spring A planted B was planted C were planted D planting 2 Chinese by more and more people in the world A is speaking B spoke C is spoken D speaks 3 Did you go to Tom s party No I A am not invite B wasn t invited C haven t invited D didn t invited 4 There was an important meeting last week Mr Smith to it A invited B is invited C was invited D invites 5 What s wrong with the boy He by a car yesterday A hit B hits C is hit D was hit 6 a new library in our school last year A Is built B Was built C Does build D Did build 7 An accident on this road last week A has been happened B was happened C is happened D happened 8 Cotton in the southeast of China A is grown B are grown C grows D grow 9 Neither of them in China A is made B are made C were made D made 10 When this kind of computers Last year A did use B was used C is used D are used 11 The Great Wall all over the world A knows B knew C is known D was known 12 A story by Granny yesterday A was told us B was told to us C is told us D told us 13 A new supermarket in my hometown next month A build B will be built C built D builds 14 Miss Wang asked us 2B pencils and erasers to school A bring B bringsC broughtD to bring 15 The streets must many times every day A clean B cleans C be cleaned D are cleaned 16 Would you like to see the film with me 班级班级 姓名姓名 学号学号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 I m sorry I it twice A seeB am seeing C will see D have seen 17 Look Smoking around here Oh I m sorry A is not allowed B was not allowed C doesn t allow D didn t allow 18 My mother has a new radio It s very enjoyable for her Joy FM every night A to listen to B listen to C listened to D listening to 19 Yesterday Sarah invited me a picnic with her family A have B having C to have D had 20 Would you like to drink some juice but I ve drunk a lot of tea A I d love toB You re welcome C I m afraid not D You may not 21 You great progress if you work hard A makeB madeC will makeD have made 22 Jack Jack Can you come now Sorry I my homework A do B will do C am doing D was doing 23 It s a good idea the museum shop and buy postcards A visit B visiting C to visit D visits 24 I through the newspaper when my mother came back A lookB will look C am looking D was looking 25 does the flight from Beijing to New York take off At 9 00 on Fridays A When B Where C What D Which 26 Did you have a hamburger for lunch too No I some dumplings instead A have B had C will have D have had 27 Why hasn t Mr Li come to work today Because he Guangzhou for a holiday A goes to B went toC will go to D has gone to 28 We will fly a kite in the park as soon as you your homework A finishB will finishC finishedD have finished 29 I d like to play football with you I have to finish my homework first A andB butC orD so 30 I really hope to keep in touch with Miss Wang my first teacher Sorry I don t know A what her number is B what is her number C what her number was D what was her number 31 I like my new bike It very well A rides B is riding C is ridden D has ridden 32 Our physics teacher told us that light faster than sound A travel B travels C is travelling D has travelled 33 I don t know if his uncle tomorrow I think he if it doesn t rain A will come comes B will come C comes comes D comes will come 34 The supermarket is far from Mary s house so she only once a week A goes shopping B has been there C was shopping D has gone there 35 I m Chinese Where from A you come B are you coming C do you come D you are coming 36 Do you like that coat over there Yes it very soft A felt B feels C is feeling D is felt 37 The shop here at half past eight in the morning so you can t go until half past eight A opens B is opening C is opened D is open 38 They some books from the library last week A lent B kept C bought D borrowed 39 Look at the clouds in the sky There this afternoon A will be many rains B is going to rain C will rain D is going to be a heavy rain 2 完型填空 共 12 分 After the birth of my second child I got a job at a restaurant Having worked with an experienced waitress for 40 days I was allowed to wait tables on my own All went well the first week When Saturday night came I was lucky 41 the tables not far from the kitchen However I still 42 it a little hard to carry the heavy trays 托盘 Before I knew it the restaurant was full of people I moved slowly minding every step I remember how 43 I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables It looked different from the one I was 44 on It had nice handles which made it 45 to move around I was pleased with everything and began to believe I was a natural at this job Then an old man came to me and said Excuse me dear my wife and I loved 46 you work It seems your tray stand has been very 47 to you but we are getting ready to 48 now and
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