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Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 【学习目标】能使用used to 结构描述自己或他人过去与现在的爱好变化。掌握描述人物爱好表达形式,及ant, insect 等词语。【自主学习】预习课本第29页的单词.观察图片,用used to完成课本 1a和1b中的人物爱好描写【自学检测】 短语翻译(请同学们关上课本独立完成,完成后对子间相互批阅。)1. 画画_ 2.体育课_ 3. 音乐课_4.六岁的_ 5. 测试,考试_ 6. 走路去上学_7.担心_ 8.紧张的,焦虑的_ 9.总是,一直_ 定向导学互动展示 Self-study & Self-explorationCooperation & ExplorationShow & ImprovementConclusion & Summarization【自学指导】内容学法时间 10【合作探究】内容形式时间10【小组展示】内容形式时间 12 随堂笔记成果记录知识生成同步演练Step1:独立阅读能力学习(7)1.仔细观察课本结合1a图片和1b中人物的爱好描写,为听力做好准备。2.听读::听第一遍录音,跟着录音节奏,体会一下这段对话的语音语调和情境氛围。根据录音材料完成1c的填空。:听第二遍录音,完成2b 的填空。:听第三遍录音,模仿录音中说话人的语音语调跟读并自主核对答案。Step2:对话操练与拓展(3)2. 大声自由练读1c和1d中的中的句子,体会用used to 描绘人物的外貌,开动脑筋, 至少写出三个过去与现在的不同爱好。I used to like_I didnt use to like_I used to_两人小对子:(5) 1.两人探讨1c和1d的答案并理解1c和1d中的重点词汇和句子并两人抽背。1. 根据1e中的对话进行练习,大声朗读,并利用自己的三个不同变化模仿1e进行对话练习。2. 五人互助组:(2)小组内统一听力答案,并针对听力内容简要归纳两段对话谈论的内容。小组合作:(3)组长根据自己的展示方案分配任务,带领组员在组内进行预展,准备在本组展示区进行展示。展示一:(4)原音呈现,竞读展示A组:尽可能多的将随堂笔记中的对话范例采用朗读,诵读,赛读和赛背等方式展示本组读的风采。(尽可能多地调动全班的竞读氛围)B组:通过带读和原音呈现的方式展示本组听力理解部分的答案。展示二:(5)情景体验,学以致用完成1eC组:组长带领本组成员对读,朗读,诵读等方式熟悉1e中对话,进行班级或小组诵读对抗赛,展示本组的诵读风采。D组:(3)总结并识记重点词汇,句型。Step 2. 对话范例:A: I used to be nervous about tests all the rime,didn t you?B: Yes, I did. And I used to.词汇与句型:3. walk to school=go to shool on foot.类似:fly to+地点=go to+地点 _take a bus to+地点=go to+地点_ride to +地点=go to +地点_2. worry about sth sb意思为“为某事或某人担心着急”例如:Dont worry about me, Im not a child.拓展worry的过去分词可转化为形容词使用,构成beworriedabout,相当于worryabout,意为“担心”例如:He isneverworriedabouthisstudy. 练一练:不用担心他。_.妈妈担心他的儿子Mother_herson.3.allthetime一直,总是.常用在句末Look,themonkeysjumpupanddownallthetime.看,猴子们一直在上窜下跳。注意Allthetime和always都表示“一直,总是”但用法略有差别。Always侧重于频率,表示周期性的规律,含有“每逢.都是”的意思。Thesunalwaysrisesintheeast.太阳总是从东方升起。 等级评定: 【当堂检测反馈】(3) 根据汉语提示填空完成句子,每空一词 (关上书本,独立完成。做完后对子间相互批阅。)1. 我习惯收集蚂蚁和其他昆虫。 I used to collect _ _ _ .2. 我的语文老师过去憎恨体育课。My Chinese teacher _ _ _ P.E class.3. 他过去常常走路去上学。He used to _ _ _?4. 李先生过去住在美国,所以习惯吃西餐。 Mr Li _ _ _ in America, so he _ _ _ _ western dishes.5. 过去的日子老板总是要求他的工人工作。 The boss made his boys work _ _ _ in the old days.【拓展提升】1.时间: 10 2.训练方式: 独立,自主完成 自评: 师评: 批阅日期:_一、基础题: 用所给词的适当形式填空:1.Sheused_(have)straighthair.2.Ourteacher looks so _(worry),What happened?3.Iusedtobeafraidof_(speak)infrontofagroup.4. Ihavebeenusedto_(live)here.5. Hismothermakes_(wash)hisfeetbeforegoingtobed.二、发展题 :单项选择。( )1.Mariousedto_inthemorning. A.practiceswimmingB.practicingswimming C.practiceswim D.practicingswimming( )2.Tinawillbeusedto_inYibin. A.live B.living C.lives D.lived( )3. YaoMingis _theHustonRocketteam. A.inB.for C.withD.on ( )4.WhenIwasyoung,I_thedark. A. terrifiedin B. wasterrifiedwith C. terrifiedto D. wasterrifiedof( ) 5.Mybrotherhasa_son. A.fouryearold B.four-year-old C.four-years-old D. four years old三、提高题:根据短文内容,完成已给出首字母的单词,使短文内容通顺完整。 We heard that Wang Ming has made great progress. He used to b 1 late for schoo1 and didnt t_2 the bus to school although his house is a little far from the school.,. After schoo1,he used to1ike p 3 basketball games so he was o 4 the basketball team. He didnt do his homework So his 1essons were bad. He always w _5 about many subjects. Li Ping is a good boy. He is g 6 at his lessons. He m 7 friends with Wang Ping. He helps him with his 1essons and helps him w 8 out problems. Now,with Li Pings help Wang Ming has never been n 9 before exams in his lessons. He studies hard and finishes his homework on time. Besides,he gets on well with his classmates. From this,we know that its i 10 for us to help and 1earn from each other.1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._【学生自主反思】(写出今日一得和今日不足) 今日一得: 今日不足:
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