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高考英语短文改错 错误类型及具体表现形式1.词法错误即词的使用错误,是改错频率最高的部分。通常包括以下几个方面:(1)形容词与副词形式的错用。比如happy-happily(2)形容词与副词级别的错用。搞清楚什么时候用原型,比较级,最高级。还有前面的修饰语,比如a little, a lot, even等通常修饰比较级。而almost, nearly, second, by no means等修饰最高级。还有注意比较级不能修饰比较级。(3)ed结尾的形容词与ing结尾的形容词错用。太简单了不再赘述。(4)冠词使用不当。高考题中比较常见的是a-an, a/an-the, the的缺失与多余(5)名词单复数2.句法错误(1)动词时态、语态。一般来说高考题中必有一个动词时态错误。语态错误主要包括被动语态与主动语态使用错误,以及不及物动词使用了被动语态。(2)非谓语动词。比如to的多余或缺失,过去分词和现在分词错用等,一遍不会很难,细心就好。(3)主谓一致错误。(4)对是否是及物动词的判断。动宾间的介词是不是多余,这类错误比较隐蔽。(5)主句从句连接词的错误。名从中连词选择错误;定从中关系代词关系副词的选择;状从连接词的选择错误;主从复合句间缺连接词。3.行文逻辑错误(1)代词及副词指代错误。注意指代的对象性别、单复数,代词的格,反身代词错用,副词指代错误(比如there-here)。这类错误较隐蔽,要细心。(2)副词及连词逻辑意义错误。转折-并列,结果-原因等等。4.常见搭配错误(1)介词与名词的搭配(2)动词与副词介词的搭配三、细节着手1.时态是否一致2.主谓是否一致3.代词是否一致4.句子中谓语是否完整5.是否该用被动语态6.主从句的连接词是否用对了7.从句中谓语是否完整一、【名词】名词考点:单复数。(以下这些词,擦亮眼睛,基本上看见文章里出现了,单数改复数,复数改单数) work(工作不可数;作品可数), job(可数) time(时间不可数;次数可数), hour, year, month, day student, classmate, friend(别忘了+s) side, place(这俩都是可数名词) eyes, parents, feet, cheeks, shoes,shoulders(这些都是一定+s的,parent是单亲,cheek是一个脸蛋,想想用单数有多诡异) grade(年级不可数;分数可数 +s) people(这是个复数名词,单数 person), family(表示家人时,单复数写法相同,都是family), kind(种类,可数名词) thanks, regards, wishes, congratulations(感谢类名词永远都要+s)二、【代词】下面这些代词也是,看见了就注意吧 he - she me mine we I 单复改点 one it 泛指/特指 改点(不定代词/指代词) some any 肯定/ 否定句 little few 不可数-可数 the other others the others (另一个【特指】,其他的【泛指】,另外那些【特指】) each / every+ 单数n三、【冠词】(一)考点规律:1. the和 same 要连用,比如,This is the same present.2. 形容词最高级前the/a 均可(意思有差别“最/非常”) the most disgusting affair 最恶心的事儿 a most disgusting affair 非常恶心的事儿(二)再给大家三个万能公式:1. a/an + adj + 抽象名词,比如 have a good time.(传说中的抽象名词具体化)2. the + n + of ,(有限定的名词要用the)3. the + n + that 限定性从句(和上句同理)(三)超高频考点,注意有没有冠词,以及用哪个冠词 get into trouble 惹麻烦 at an early age 小时候 have a rest 休息一下 catch sight of 看见 go for a walk 去散步 in fact 事实上 hit sb. on the head/face/leg 击打某人的头/脸/腿 once upon a time 很久很久以前四、【形容词、副词】(一)考点规律:1、形容词与副词的混用,形容词只可以修饰名词(代词),副词不可以修饰名词(代词)!举几个例子,你们看看哪儿错了好伐? Then I heard a loudly crashing(碰撞的) sound from the back of the house.loudly改为loud The teacher has already told us exact what to study.exact改为exactly She holds the view that senior three students have to make fully use of every minute to work hard.fully改为full My mother said that the food I cooked tasted well.well改为good2、形容词/副词,比较级/最高级问题(1)搭配问题比较级中Than 与 er或more配套;最高级中-est或most与the/a/an 配套。出个题,感受一下 He hopes to create an environment for his students that is much relaxing than the one he used to study in.much改为more(2)more与-er不共存,继续上题目 Our country will become more brighter in the coming future.more去掉(3)as adj / adv as 同级比较结构中adj/adv用原级。题目如下 So now I am spending as more time as I can with other people who like to play.more改为much或去掉more In some places you may borrow many books as you want.(这题many前少了as) People in industrial countries can expect to live for twice so long as people who lived a few hundred years ago.so改为as(二)超高频考点1、形容词的so 与such 结构so + adj + (a/an) + nsuch + (a/an) + adj + n下面例题,做一下应该没有太大问题,所以我没有给答案 I have never seen so an abnormal text like this.so改such2、do-ing和do-ed两类形容词用法,doing转换donedone转换doing以下动词特别容易出v-ing 和v-ed类形容词乱用的考点。surprise/interest/disappoint/excite/encourage/ frighten 比如, I am suprised/ intetested/ disappointed/ excited/ encouraged/ frightened It is surprising/ interesting/ disappointing/ exciting/ encouraging/ frightening五、【动词】(一)考点规律分析及解题套路:1、时态“现在时”和“过去时”互换 并列句中,连词(and/but/or)前后动词时态一致! 简单句中的动词和前后两句话动词时态一致。Eg:At first it is low but gradually it become louder and louder.2、语态“主动”和“被动”(1) sth做主语,常改为被动!【Eg:Your E-mail received just now.应该在received前加was】(2)被动语态的2种改法: Be+V原型改法:V原型改为 V-ed V-ed 改法:v-ed前添加be3、需要添加be的情况:(1)介词前,(2)助动词后Eg:Then I will (be) ready for the test.Eg: He (is) against the suggestion that he keeps silent at the meeting.【注意against是介词,不是动词】(二)超高频考点1、固定搭配中的动词【注意是to do还是do】 d better + do 最好做某事 have/let/make sb. do 让某人做某事 would rather + do 宁愿做某事 want + to do; come + to do; would like + to do used to +do (过去常常,曾经的习惯,已结束) be(was/were/is/are) used to + doing(习惯做某事,表示习惯的持续) 2、以下这些词要加 doing形式做宾语的(1)动词类avoid, enjoy, understand, risk, appreciate, image, look forward to, spend on, insist on 这些动词或动词词组后+doing(2)介词 + doing3、see sb do变被动后 sb is seen to do 类型【考点在于感官动词做宾补,主动不要to,被动的to要还原。】六、【介词】(一)考点规律分析及解题套路:1、及物动词后不能加介词,常错点enter into;return back;reach at(这几个介词看见请通通划掉)2、介词+ 动词-ing形式3、特殊结构介词(1)It is + 物称adj + for + sb to do物称adj修饰事物的adjeasy, hard, difficult, important, safe, impossible, necessary(2)It is + 人称adj + of +sb to do人称adj修饰人的adjkind, good, nice, polite, clever, brave, wise, right, wrong, strong, foolish, stupid, honest(二)超高频考点beside-besidesv+ with/about/ toamong-between
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