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Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section B【学习目标】1.掌握本课单词。2.掌握一般现在时态的被动语态的结构。3.运用一般现在时态的被动语态写作文。 【自主学习】预习课本第39页3a并完成self check相应内容。【自学检测】一、写出动词的过去式和过去分词1. show_ _ 2. shut _ _ 3. sing _ _ 4. sit _ _5. sleep_ _ 6. smell_ _ 7. speak_ _ 8.spell _ _ 9. steal_ _10. stick_ _ 11. swim_ _12. take_ _ 13. teach_ _ 14. tear_ _ 15. tell _ _16. think_ _ 17. throw_ _18. wake_ _ 19. wear_ _ 20. win_ _ 21. write_ _22.spend_ _23.stand_ _24.understand_ _二、翻译下列短语。1. 以而闻名 / 2. 由制成 / 3. 被用来做. 4. 关于怎样学习语言的研究 【合作探究】1. 内容提示:根据3a所给表格列举出的内容提示,写出你们城市以什么特别而闻名,比如说食物,艺术品或者其它的产品,然后和同伴进行交流,写出提要。What the product isWhat it is made offromWho it is made byWhat it can doWhy it is special2、句型提示1) My home town is famous for Is famous in my hometowncity.2) is made of from with by in 3) is used is known for 4) is special because 3. 要求学生们根据3a 写的提要以及3b方框中所给的句型、短语提示写出一篇文章介绍这种新产品。4. 学生完成后评出优秀的作文在班上展示。总结:在进行英语写作时,要按照西方人的思维方式来布局谋篇。在语篇的开始方面,应该直截了当表达观点,态度明确。在语篇的发展方面,直接点明议题,即“先概括后具体”,先整体轮廓, 后具体细节。“让事实本身说话”,则能达到更好的效果。6. 列举出你每天用的物品,说一说它对们是由什么制成的以及在哪生产的,完成1部分的表格。7. 参照上面表格所填的内容出完成的句子。8.用所括号中所给单词的正确形式完成句子。然后让学生分别朗读句子同时核对答案。【当堂检测反馈】以Kite为题写一篇短文简介风筝(包括制作过程和放飞)。 提示:1.我的家乡春天盛行放风筝,放风筝有利于健康,它受大家的广泛欢迎。 2.制作风筝很容易也很便宜,人们通常用手工制作,一般用竹子、纸盒、塑料制成,纸或塑料可以被剪成各种图案,像花、动物等等。然后用图案覆盖竹子,制作好后,加上线就可以放飞了。当各种风筝飞上天空时,美丽极了。要求:1.句意连贯,句式规范,字迹工整; 2.词数60-80; 3.开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Kites flying is an exciting activities 【拓展提升】1.时间: 10 2.训练方式: 独立,自主完成 自评: 师评: 批阅日期: 一、单项选择( )1Usually computers _ to search the Internet.A. use B. are using C. are used( )2Trees and flowers _ every year to make our country more beautiful.A. clean B. cleans C. are cleaned( )3Today Chinese _ by more and more people around the world.A. speak B. is spoken C. are spoken( )4Make sure all the lights _ when you leave the room. OK, I will.A. turn off B. are turned off C. are turned on( )5The baby _by his grandma.A. is looked after B. are looked after C. look after二、用动词的正确形式填空1The Great Wall _ (know) all over the world.2A storm _ often _ (follow) by a calm.3Some newspapers _ (publish) once a week.4English is very popular. It _ widely _ (use) in many fields.三、把下列句子改为被动语态1. They play football on Sunday. _2. Lucy does the homework in the evening._3. They often use computers in class._4. We make these machines in Beilun._5. People speak English as the first language in UK._【学生自主反思】(写出今日一得和今日不足) 今日一得: 今日不足:
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