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Module 9 Life history Unit 3 Language in use教学目标1. To learn some key words and use expressions2. To master the past form of irregular verbs3. To learn about Mark Twain教学重点the past form of irregular verbs教学难点1. Understand the new words and expressions2. Exchange the sentences about the past form of irregular verbs学情分析 The level of the ss is very poor.学法指导 Listening and speaking教 学 过 程教学内容教师活动学生活动效果预测(可能出现的问题)补救措施修改意见一、Activity 1二、Activity 2三、Activity 3,4 , 5,6 and 71、Lead in2、Ask the ss some questions3、Teach the ss to read the new wordsand the dialogue of Activity 34、Explain the important and difficult points1、Match the festivals with the months of Activity 12、Work in pairs. Read part3, ask and answer the questions about Mark Twain. 3、 Read and find the past form of the verbs of Activity 41、It will be hard for the ss to master the words about months 2、The SS will be interested in the festivals.1、2、板书设计March , April, May , June , July , August , September ,October ,November ,December ,writer , real , newspaper , exact , date , becomeWhen were you born ?Which month is your birthday in?When is your mothers birthday? How many months are there in a year ? What are they? ?Which festival do you like best?参考书目及推荐资料The teaching materialThe reference book for teaching教学反思
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