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Module 4 Life in the future 第3课时 Unit2 Every family will have a small plane一、学习目标:1.通过自主探究学习本课出现的单词及短语2.能过听说读写等技能的锻炼能熟练运用一般将来时态will描述未来的生活.例如天气,日常生活等。3. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,能对未来世界的神奇变化产生好奇并有美好憧憬。二、学习重点:一般将来时态will+动词原形的意义和用法3、 学习难点:一般将来时态will+动词原形;notonlybutalso的用法.课前预习一、使用说明与学法指导:1.课前朗读新单词,注意其音标和汉意,将不会读的圈出来。2.本堂课为阅读课,教会学生泛读和细读的阅读技巧。3.将预习中不能解决的问题标出来,并写在我的疑问处。 二、教材助读:1、熟读单词:air, land, machine,robot, space, wind, car, cheap, everywhere, long, heavy, light2、熟读短语:come true, no more, all year, as well, not only.but also3、熟读句型:(1.)What will life be like in the future?(2.)Here are some ideas.(3.)Theyll be warm whrn were cold,and cool when were hot.三、预习自测:写出下列单词及词组陆地_机器_机器人_太空,空间_交通_交通堵塞_风_真的,真实的_实现,成真_便宜的_到处,处处_不仅.而且._繁重的,沉的_轻的,轻松的_工作的_短的,短暂的_升起,上升_四、我的疑惑:_ _课内探究一、情景导入:free talk. Look at the pictrues on PPT and talk about them.二、学始于疑:ask students to talk about the life in the future三、质疑探究1.Feedback on the preview讨论解决预习中存在的问题(师生互问探讨)。2.Lead-in1. Look at the pictures and how will the world be different in the future? Could you make some predictions(预测)?2. Activity13. Reading 1.)Fast readingRead the passage and match the paragraphs with the headings.(Activity 3)1).weather( ) 2).clothes( ) 3).Jobs( ) 4).Travel( ) 2.)Careful readingA. Check() the true sentences1) People have to change clothes in hot weather.( )2)The weather will be warm in spring.( ) 3) A lot of people will travel by plane so maybe there will traffic jams in the air.( )4) People will have long holidays because machines will do heavy work. ( )B. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.1) Who is the passage by? _2)What will the sea level change?_3)How will we travel in the future?_4)Why are you going to like the future?_C. Read the passage again. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.air cheap everywhere into rise trueWill travel in the future be expensive? No, itll be(1)_. Well travel(2)_ Well be able to(3)_ over the traffic jams on the land, and well be able to go(4)_ space. But maybe therell be traffic jams in the(5)_ too. What do you think? Do you think this idea about life in the future will come(6)_?四、当堂检测:根据汉意及首字母提示写出所缺的单词。1.Answermyq_,please.2.Theoldwomanisc_abigbagtotheairport.3.Wewillbea_tospeakEnglishwell.4.Idontknowthepriceofthebook.M_twentyyuan.5.Willthecityc_intwentyyears?6.-Theticket(票)isf_.Fantastic!7.Inthenearfuture,manyofuswillbeabletogotoworkb_car.用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空bedifferent,will,anymore,be,haveapicnic,beableto,makefriends,enjoyoneself,checkonesemails,change1. There_nochalkintheclassroominthefuture.2.Maybethere_beanyschoolsintwentyyears!3.Thecolouroftheliquid(液体)_fromredtopurple.4.Hepromiseshisparentsnottoswimintheriver_.5.Theirshirtsareblue,andours_fromtheirs.6.Iamlookingforwardto_witheveryonehere.Theyarefriendly.7.Linglingasksme_withheronthebeach.8.He_verymuchwhenheisinthepark.Hefeelshappytoday.9.Martin_(will)thisweekendandwritebacktoherpenpal.10.Lucy_swimwellafteryearsofpractice(练习).教学反思课后训练熟读课文,背诵和听写本单元单词短语
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