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Module 6 Around town 第5课时 Unit 3 Language in use一、学习目标:1.复习第一课时的单词和用法2.完成的第三单元书面作业2.理解方位的介词的用法,并能够在特定语境中正确使用二、学习重点:方位的介词在特定语境中正确使用三、学习难点:方位的介词在特定语境中正确使用课前预习一、使用说明与学法指导:1.复习课文中方位介词的用法,2. 自主学习,并讨论归纳知识点、合作完成练习.二、预习自测:Fill in the blanksBetty and Lingling are standing in front of Tiananmen Square. A tourist asks them the way to Wangfujing Dajie. Betty tells him to go _ Dong Changan Jie and go along the street. Turn left _ the third street _ the left. Its near so the tourist can _ there. The tourist also wants to buy a guidebook about Beijing. Lingling tells him there is a big _ just along Xi ChanganJie. Its on the _, opposite the bank. The tourist wants to _ the National Stadium too. But Lingling doesnt _ the way. She tells the tourist to _ the policeman over there. The policeman tells the tourist to go along the street and he will _ an underground station. _ the underground _ the Olympic Sports Centre. He can also take a bus _ a taxi.我的疑问:_课内探究1.总结归纳问路指路的句型.英语中问路的表达方式有:1)Which is the way to .? 哪条路到?2) How can I get to .? 我怎样才能到?3) Where is .? 在哪儿?4)Is there a .? 有?5) Could you tell me the way to .? 你能告诉我去的路吗?6) Do you know the way to . ? 你知道去的路吗?对于问路的答复:1) Go straight ahead. 2) It is opposite .3) It is between and . 4) Turn left and go along .5) It is on the corner of .2.自学96页方位的表达方式,完成英语周报第34期第二版Unit1看看哪一组做的最好?总结:1)on the left / right 在左边/右边.如:In Britain cars drive on the left, but in China on the right.2)next to意为“靠近,与紧挨着”, 其近义词为near, 意为“不远的, 接近的”, 指空间或时间上。如:Her home is next to her school.她家靠近她的学校。3)opposite 在对面, 与相对如:Can you see the shop opposite the railway station?你能看到火车站对面的商店吗?4) on the corner of 在 拐角处如:The public phone is on the corner of the street. 公用电话在这条街的拐角处。5) between . and 在之间如:There is a supermarket between the school and the hospital. 在学校和医院之间有一家超市。6) on指两个物体表面接触,一个在另一个的上面;over表示一物体的位置高于另一物体, 在其正上方, 其反义词是under。如:Your hat is on the bed. 你的帽子在床上。Theres a bridge over the river. 河上有座桥。当堂检测:1. 学校挨着博物馆。The school is _ _ the museum. 2. 银行在公园和动物园之间。 The bank is _ the park _ the zoo. 3. 超市在饭店对面。The supermarket is _ the restaurant. 4.我站在天安门广场前.I am standing in_ of Tiananmen square.5.沿着王府井大街走.Go_ Wangfujing Dajie6. 别红灯Dont _(穿过)the street when the light is red.课后反思:_课后训练基础练习1. Work in pairs.完成.P33 EX72. Work in pairs.完成.P36EX1
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