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Module 3 Journey to spaceUnit 1 Has it arrived yet? (第一课时)一、学习目标:1. 初步掌握本课重点词汇和句型,初步理解课文内容,提高有关宇宙一类话题的听力技能,通过语音训练拓展日常交际用语2. 初步理解现在完成时表动作已经完成并对现在有影响的用法,以及现在完成时与just, already, yet的连用3. 培养学生对于科学和新事物的热爱,激发他们对于知识的渴望二、学习重点:听懂有关探索火星的对话三、学习难点:透彻理解对话中现在完成时的句子 课前预习一、使用说明与学法指导1. 朗读并识记单词表中本课新词汇,预习课文对话,初步理解,不会读或不能理解的用红笔标记2. 限时15分钟完成二、教材助读1. 朗读并识记听力部分的单词并根据活动预测听力内容,为听力扫除障碍2. 仔细预习课本语法部分关于本模块的语法知识,完成下列习题:1) 现在完成时表示动作_; 2) 现在完成时句子的谓语部分:_;3) 动词由原形变过去分词分为规则变化和不规则变化 规则变化:一般动词末尾有不发音的字母e重读闭音节中,“辅-元-辅”字母结尾“辅音字母 + y”结尾不规则变化:熟读课本P126-129不规则动词变化表,并记下已学的动词4) 现在完成时的肯定句中若表示“刚刚”采用_,“已经”采用“_”,否定句中表示“还没;还未”采用“_”。三、预习自测(一)用英语写出下列单词1. 地球 2. 月亮;月球 3. 新闻;消息4. 行星 5. 到达;抵达 6. 还;尚7. 刚才;刚刚 8. 模型 9. 宇宙飞船10. 计划;工程 11. 最近的;最新的 12. 在(播放)中;关于13. 发现;找到 14. 宇航员 (二)通过理解上下文在对话中找出下列短语 1. 没问题_ 2. 最新消息_3. send to _ 4. 花费数月_5. 在新闻上_ 6. discover life on Mars_7. not yet_ 8. have been to sp._9. 遥远_ 10. 远得多_11. 努力地工作_ 12. in order to do sth._13. 太空旅行_ 14. 获得关于的信息_15. go online_ 16. 搜寻信息_(三)通过理解上下文在对话中找出下列句子1. 你在干什么呢?_ 2. Sure, no problem._3. Thats why its on the news._4. 为了有一天把宇航员送到火星上,许多科学家正在努力地工作。 _5. How can I get information on space travel?_(四)找出对话中九个现在完成时的句子并翻译:_ _ _ _ _ _ _大声朗读以上单词、短语及句子,通过上下文深刻理解并识记我的疑问: _ _课内探究一、情景导入Talk: Who has been to the moon? How did they reach it?二、学始于疑 Has anyone been to Mars? Have scientists discovered life on Mars?三、质疑探究1. 洗耳运动:Complete the listening part - Activity 1 & Activity 22. Listen and read1) Listen and read silently. Then answer the questions: Have scientists discovered life on Mars? Have any astronauts been to Mars?2) Read aloud by yourselves. Then, answer the questions in Activity 3. Finally, discuss in groups.3) Complete the passage in Activity 4 by yourselves.四、当堂检测(一)根据首字母或汉语提示,结合句意完成单词1. As we know, the e_ goes around the sun.2. Do you know a Chinese a_ named Yang Liwei?3. One of my classmates made a _ (模型)ship and showed it to us.4. Have you read Hanhans _ (最近的)works?5. The police d_ something strange in the forest. Maybe itll be helpful.6. -Has Lisa r_ the train station? - Not yet. We have to keep waiting.7. There are quite a lot of _(行星)around the sun.8. I havent heard of any _(消息)about Tony Smith for quite a long time.9. S_ can carry people to the space.10.Weve _(刚刚)finished the work. So lets go out and play for a while.(二)根据汉语提示完成句子1. What _ you _ _? 你们在干什么呢?2. Is it true that scientists _ _ life _ Mars? 科学家真的在火星上发现了生命吗?3. _ _ _ _ Mars, but no astronauts _ _ there _. 宇宙飞船去过火星,但还没有宇航员去过。4. _ anyone _ _ information _ _ _ _?有人在网上搜索过关于火星的信息了吗?5. _ _ _, the US _ _ _ its talk with Cuba.在今天的新闻上,美国已经开就始了与古巴的对话。五、课后反思 _ _课后训练用所给词的正确形式填空1. Nobody _ (solve) the maths problem yet, except me.
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