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Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 1 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer.(第一课时)一、学习目标:1. 初步掌握本课重点词汇和句型,初步理解课文内容,提高有关身体疾病一类话题的听力技能,通过语音训练拓展日常交际用语2. 初步理解现在完成时表动作从过去某时间一直持续到现在,以及现在完成时与for, since的连用3. 培养学生对于体育锻炼的热爱,引起他们对于身体健康的关注二、学习重点:听懂有关因病看医生的对话三、学习难点:透彻理解对话中现在完成时的句子 课前预习一、使用说明与学法指导1. 朗读并识记单词表中本课新词汇,预习课文对话,初步理解,不会读或不能理解的用红笔标记2. 限时15分钟完成二、教材助读1. 朗读并识记听力部分的单词并根据活动预测听力内容,为听力扫除障碍2. 仔细预习课本语法部分关于本模块的语法知识,完成下列习题:1) 现在完成时表示动作从_持续到_,时间状语常常用for / since引出; for / since用法各不相同:for + _ 意为“_” since + _ 意为“_” 然而,由于for, since均是表示动作持续了一段时间,因此在for/ since的现在完成时句子中,要求谓语动词一定是_(延续性/短暂性)动词。2) 现在完成时句子的谓语部分:_;3) 动词由原形变过去分词分为规则变化和不规则变化,规则变化与过去式相同,不规则变化见课本P126-129不规则动词变化表;三、预习自测(一)用英语写出下列单词1. 腹部;肚子 2. 咳嗽 3. 发烧;发热4. 疼痛 5. 头痛 6. 牙痛7. 生病的 8. 自从 9. 感冒;伤风10. 健康(状况) 11. 测定;量取;拍摄;吃,喝 (二)通过理解上下文在对话中找出下列短语 1. be like this_ 2. 自从星期五以来_3. 有大约三天了_ 4. catch a cold_5. 量某人的体温_ 6. 快餐_7. 吃早餐_ 8. 胃痛;腹痛_9. do exercise_ 10. spend too much time_11. 对有害_ 12. 停止做某事_13.一天三次_(三)通过理解上下文在对话中找出下列句子1. 我怎样帮助你呢?_ 2. 我想不是的。_3. Let me take your temperature. _ 4. 问题就在这里。_5. Thats why youve got a stomach ache. _6. It can be harmful to your health. _(四)找出对话中至少四个现在完成时的句子并翻译:_ _ _ _ _ _ 大声朗读以上单词、短语及句子,通过上下文深刻理解并识记我的疑问: _ _课内探究一、情景导入Guess: What part of our body is it?二、学始于疑 How can we catch a cold? How do you usually have a stomach ache?三、质疑探究1. 洗耳运动:Complete the listening part - Activity 1 & Activity 22. Listen and read1) Listen and read silently. Then answer the questions: Whats wrong with Daming? Why has he been ill like this?2) Read aloud by yourselves. Then, complete the table in Activity 3. Finally, discuss in groups.3) Complete the passage in Activity 4 by yourselves.四、当堂检测(一)根据课文内容完成下列短篇 Daming is _. He has got a _ _ and his head _. He has been like this _ three days. But its not a _ and theres no _,either. The problem is that he usually eats _ _ and doesnt usually have _. And he spends too much time _ _ _ the computer and doesnt do any _. So the doctor gives him some _ and advises him to _ eating fast food, to have _ every day and to do some _.(二)根据首字母或汉语提示,结合句意完成单词1. If we eat something cold, we may have a _(肚子痛).2. -Have I got a f_, doctor? -Let me take your t_.3. Mum has got a t_. She cant eat anything.4. This year, every time I have a cold, I get a _(咳嗽).5. Dont go to bed too late. Thats bad for your _(健康).6. Peter has been ill in bed s_ last Sunday. It has been four days.7. Doing _(锻炼)is good for us. It helps us keep healthy and energetic(精力充沛的).五、课后反思 _ _课后训练根据汉语提示完成句子1. My brother has _ _ _. He has _ _ _.我哥哥头痛,他发烧了。2. -_ _ I _ _? 我要怎样为你服务呢? -Oh, I need a cup of coffee and some cakes. 我需要一杯咖啡和一些蛋糕。3. _ _ is _ _ our _. We may get a _ _ if we eat _ _. 快餐对我们的健康有害,如果吃太多,可能会肚子疼。4. We _ _ _ every day i
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