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Module 9 FriendshipGrammar由whether / if及疑问词引导的宾语从句一、学习目标1. 逐步掌握由whether / if及疑问词引导的宾语从句2. 在语法探究中提高自主学习的能力及合作探究的能力二、教学重点:熟悉并学会运用由whether / if及疑问词引导的宾语从句三、教学难点:学会运用由whether / if及疑问词引导的宾语从句课前预习回顾that宾语从句的语法知识,预习课本P109-110由whether / if及疑问词引导的宾语从句有关知识,作如下归纳:宾语从句“三要素”_、_、_1. 宾语从句的引导词(也称关联词)起引导从句的作用,需根据从句的语气、成分及意义进行选择宾语从句为陈述语气由_引导,_无词义,也不在从句中充当句子成分,常常省去;宾语从句为疑问语气由_或_引导:_不在从句中充当句子成分但有词义,意为“_”,不能省去;_要在从句中充当句子成分,且有具体含义,也不能省去。2. 宾语从句的时态_、_:主句若为_时态或_时态,从句根据自身需要采用某种时态_:主句若为过去时态,从句则采用某种过去时态_:从句若为客观事实、客观规律、客观真理等,一律采用_时态。3. 宾语从句的语序:从句一律采用_语序注意:1. 宾语从句是一个完整的句子,在整个主从复合句中充当_、_或某些_的宾语成分; 2. 一般情况whether与if作为“是否”之义可以互换,但以下三种情况只能用whether,不能用if: whether or (not)的固定结构 Idontknowwhetherhesfreeornot. 该从句作为介词的宾语 Imthinkingofwhetherweshouldgofishing. 在动词不定式前 Theyaskedmewhethertogoskating.我的疑问:_课内探究一、交流检查预习情况,老师释疑,师生合作探究whether / if及疑问词引导的宾语从句这一语法二、当堂检测(一)根据汉语提示完成句子1. Im not _ _ _ salt I should put into the soup. 我不确定应该往这汤里放多少盐。2. Do you _ _ Lingling has been to England? 你知道玲玲是否去过英国吗?3. Mum didnt _ me _ she left home in a hurry. 妈妈没有告诉我她为什么匆忙离家。4. Dont _ Lucy _ she is going to finish the work. 不要问露西她何时完成工作。5. They didnt _ _ they would come again or not. 他们没有说他们是否会再过来。6. Once we _ _ he would make some progress. 我们曾期望他会取得一些进步。7. Im _ _ _ I can do that. 我在考虑我能怎样做。8. Jimmy _ _ he left the book at home. 吉米记得他把书落在家里了。9. Dont _ _ well meet. 别忘了我们将在哪里见面。10. I wanted to _ _ _ it took you to get to school from your home.我想知道你从家到学校要多长时间。(二)单项选择1. He is an honest man. I believe what he _ just now. A. says B. said C. was saying D. would say2. Dad told me practice _ perfect(熟能生巧). A. makes B. made C. was making D. would make3. Did you know what they _ then? A. do B. did C. were doing D. have done4. Wang Hui asked Mrs James if he _ his homework by email. A. sends B. can send C. could send D. could sent5. How do you know he _ playing the piano at the moment? A. practises B. practised C. has practised D. is pracitsing6. Did Tony ask you whether _ for a moment? A. can he be away B. he can be away C. could he be away D. he could be away7. I told them _ in my class. A. there were how many students B. how many students are there C. how many students were there D. how many students there were8. Could you tell me _ tomorrow? A. if Amy would go with us B. whether Amy will go with us C. if Amy will go with us or not D. if will Amy go with us9. I dont know _. A. where is the nearest bank B. where the nearest bank is C. the nearest bank is where D. the nearest bank where is10. Are you sure _ in art? A. why is she interested B. what she is interetedC. that is she interested D. that she is interested11. Tellme_youdliketogoshoppingortidytheroom.A. if B. whether C. that D. how12. Weareworriedabout _ tomorrow.A.whetheritwillrain B. if it will rain C. whether will it rain D. if it would rain13. Maryasked_myhomeworkornot.A. whether am I doing B. if I am doingC. if was I doing D. whether I was doing课后训练一、将下面的句子连接成为含有宾语从句的复合句,一空不超过四个单词1. TheseflowersarefromGuangdong.Hesaid.Hesaid_theseflowers_fromGuangdong.2. Lighttravelsfasterthansound.Myteachertoldme.Myteachertoldme_light_fasterthansound.3. What kind of meetingwill therebe infivedays?Jackdidnt know.Jackdidntknow_meeting _infivedays.4. CantheyspeakFrench?Iwanttoknow.Iwanttoknow_French.5. Arethechildrenplayinggames?Tellme.Tellme_ thechildren_games.6. Haveyoufinishedyourhomeworkyet?Mr.ZhaoaskedMaGang.Mr.ZhaoaskedMaGang_ homeworkyet.7. Howmanypeoplecanweseeinthe
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