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M2-4 Language in use 年级七年级学科英语第一备课第二备课课题课型复习备课时间授课时间第 周 星期 第 节学习目标1、 本模块表示家庭成员的单词。2、has / have got 的用法重点has / have got 的用法难点has / have got 的用法教学准备Label the family tree 3、Label the family tree Grandparents auntSam Sister parentsFather 4、 Make a family tree for your family.复习 Unit 1 和Unit 2,完成下列句子:1)Tony has got _aunt and _ uncles , but he _any brothers.2) Lingling has got _people in her family . She _ a large family .She has got an -friend and an - friend . They both -a big family.总结:The use of have /has got Look at the pictures . Write questions about the two families. (Activity 1)The girl is Sara.1 Has she got a big family?2 _any brothers?3 _any sisters?The boy is Taotao.1 _a big family?2 _any brothers?3 _any sisters?Write answers to the questions.1、Yes,she has. 1、_2、_ 2、_3、_ 3、_课堂后测学习反思
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