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Unit 2 I used to be afraid to the dark Section A(1)前置作业课题:Unit 2 I used to be afraid to the dark. Section A 前置作业(自主学习内容):1、预习:Section A 1a, 1c中的语言材料要求:圈出新词 标出读音 划出短语 译出解释 摘出疑难 2、【预习】 通过课前预习完成下列内容。1. 短语互译 1)used to _ 2)play the piano_ 3)wait a minute_ 4)对感兴趣_ 5)在游泳队 _2. 句型展示台1) Mario过去很矮。Mario _ _ _ short.2) 你不记得我了吗?_ you remember me?3) 人肯定会变化的。People _ _.4) 我过去不喜欢考试。I _ _ _ like test. 课堂反馈达标:【当堂检测】1) She used to have long hair but now she has _hair. A. black B. yellow C. short D. straight2) Tina doesnt like going out. Shes very _. A. quite B. active C. quiet D. outgoing3) Jack is good at basketball. He is _ the city basketball team. A. at B. with C. on D. of4) -Dont you like playing soccer? -_. I often play it after school. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont. C. Yes, I dont. D. No, I do.5) Can you help me? -_. A. Surely B. I cant C. I can D. Sure
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