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课题Module1 Unit1 Do you collect anything ?课型新授课授课时间年 月 日执笔人 审稿人 总第 课时相关标准陈述1能在所社曰常交际情景中听懂对话和小故事。2能就熟悉的生活话题交流信息和简单的意见。学习目标1.知识目标:a.学习单词和短语;b.学习六种句子结构;c.学习一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的语调。2. 能力目标:能听懂爱好的简短对话,能简单介绍自己的业余爱好。3.情感目标:通过谈论爱好培养对他人不同爱好的尊重,维持良好的人际关系。评价活动方案1.模仿、朗读、对话交流、表演。2纸笔练习。教 学 活 动 方 案随记【创设情境】Greeting. Talk about the winter vacation. How was your winter vacations? What did you do during the vacation? Are you interested in ? What did your father/ mother often do ? Did he / she do it all the time? So his / her hobby is to .【确立目标】1. 理解并掌握英语的六种基本句型。2. 能够听懂谈论爱好的日常用语,并能够和同伴谈论自己的爱好。【自主学习】1.采取学生结对、小组互查等形式来检查学生对词汇的预习情况。2.根据音标拼读单词,注意词性及读音,小组内部讨论互相正音。【合作交流】1.教师播放录音,纠正单词发音,小组合作互相督促记住单词2.阅读课文,小组讨论,完成练习。将下列短语翻译成汉语9.take up_ 10.all the time_ 11. be interested in_ 12.tidy up_ 13.give an interview to sb_14.train tickets_ 15all the time_ 16.play the violin_17.At the end of_ 18.Radio Beijing _ 19.have a collection of_20.senior high school_ 21.in the future_ 22.teenage life_ 22.come out_ 23. professional writer_ 24.mountain biking_25.usual activities_ 26.a writing workshop_27.as well as_28.a summer camp_ 29. bring sb enjoyment_ 30.in life_ 【分组展示】1. 听录音,找出没人所收藏的物品,并用下面的句型表达。Tony has a collection of . / Tony collects 2. 听录音回答下面的问题。1) Why does Tonys mum want him to tidy up his room?2) Which collection is the most expensive, model car, stamp or doll collection?3) Which collection takes up less space, fan or model car collection? 3. 听录音,完成两个任务:1. 将人名和收藏连线。2. 为每一个问题选择最佳答案。LinglingSallySallys brotherDamingcollect ticketscollect fanscollect dollscollect stamps1) What is Sallys really hobby? a. collecting dolls b. music2) What made Sally so interested in music? a. Her father is a musician, she often listened to him play the violin.b. Shes got a great music teacher.3) When did Sallys father gave her first violin? a. eight years ago. b. eighteen years ago.4) When will Sally play next time? a. at the end of this term. b. at the end of next term.5) What is Sally going to do this Friday?a. Shes going to give a concert. b. Shes going to give an interview.【释疑解惑】请阅读课本第146页,关于英语基本句型的讲解,完成下面的结论。英语是一种结构语言,以_成_种基本句型,一般情况谓语前面是行为的_, 谓语后面是动作的_。其中需特别注意的是【主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语】(双宾语结构)和【主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语】两种结构。1. 【主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语】这种结构中,间接宾语一般是_(人、物),直接宾语一般是_(人、物)。如例句:Waiters bring customers tea.在这种结构中,两个宾语的位置可以交换,即可以将人放在物的后面,但是要在人前面加介词_ 或 _ 。如:Waiters bring customers tea. = Waiters bring tea _. I bought my mother a dress for her birthday. = I bought a dress _ for her birthday.2. 【主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语】这种结构中,动词不定式常常用来做宾语补足语。如例句:My mother wants me to study hard. 在这个句子中,to study 补充说明想要的内容。类似的句型有:ask sb to do sth. / tell sb. to do sth. / help sb. (to) do sth. / advise sb to do sth. 等等。要注意在有些情况下,动词不定时中的to 必须省略。我们已经学过的有两种情况:1. 使动用法:句型有两个,分别是_ sb. do sth. 和 _ sb. do sth. 2. 表示看到或听到某人做某事时,如果看到动作全过程或_看到/听到某人做某事要用省略to 的动词不定式。句型为: see/ hear sb. do sth. 练习:1. Sally wants me _(help) her with her Chinese. 2. Teacher told us _(hand) in our homework on time.3. The bad news made me _(feel) unhappy.4. I often hear her _(play) the piano.【巩固训练】1._a player, Im looking forward _the 2020 Olympic Games.A For, at B AS ,to C With, for D Of ,to2._ a result, he became a famous singer. A As B To C With D By 3. My hobby is _. A collect dolls B collecting dolls C collection dolls D collected dolls.3. what happened _ your computer ? A in B to C with D As 4.I like piano. I play the piano_. A all the time B all the times C some time D sometime5.There is no _ for me to stand. A a room B a space C any space D room6.Tom as well as his sister _going to visit shanghai next month. A is B are C will D can 7.If you want to pass the exam ,you need _harder. A works B works C to work D working8.have you any of your hobbies brought you _? A enjoy B enjoys C to enjoy D enjoyment9.what makes you _ he is a teacher ? A think B thinking C thinks D to thin k 10. I often listen to him _ the violin. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play【拓展提升】1.There are lots of people in the park today. Some are walking and _ are swimming.A. another B. the others C. others D. the other2.Bettys room is a bit untidy. So shell tidy it _. A. up B. on C. in D. to3.Which hobby do you think _ good for your study? A. it B. is C. its D. its
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