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Unit 5单元综合测试题一、 单项选择.1、In the street I met the scientist _ gave us a talk last week .A . whom B . which C . who D . what2. The teacher told his students that light travels much faster than _ . A . voice B . noise C . music D . sound3. Marys parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool . It _ be very expensive . A . must B . can C . mustnt D . cant4. If you cant turn the key , try _ some oil in the lock . A . to put B . put C . putting D . to have put5. She doesnt look like Mary at all . She _ be her sister . A . must B . cant C . would D . might6. _ room is beautiful and comfortable . A . Marys and Graces B . Marys and Graces C . Marys and Grace D . Mary and Grace7. Do you have idea _ ? A . where is the nearest post office B . where the nearest post office is C . what is the nearest post office D . how is the nearest post office .8 . Show me another sweater . This one is _ for me . A . much so small B . much too small C . too much small D . so much small9. We mustnt pretend _ what we dont know . A . know B . to know C . knowing D . to knowing10 . Everyone is asked to turn off their mobile phones after they get _ the plane . A . on B . off C . away D . down11 . The sports meeting was put off _ the rain . A . since B . as C . because D . because of12 . Dont use _ all your money . Save some for the future . A . on B . off C . up D . by13. Dont attempt _ so much in such a short time . A . do B . doing C . to do D . to doing14 . “ _ car is this ? “ Its Mr Suns . A . What B . Which C. Who D . Whose 15. He works very hard and his English _ recently . A . improve B . improves C . had improved D . has improved二 、根据句子意思及首字母填出相对应的单词。1 . She wasnt really crying ; she was only p_ .2 . I was terribly a_ about the children when they didnt come home from school on time .3 . She cant go to the movies with us , because she has an a_ with the doctor .4. Two prisoners e _ from the prison last night .5. She cant practice playing the piano today , for she cut one of her f _ yesterday .6. The dictionary isnt mine . It b _ to Alice .7. We were all w _ about you when you were ill in hospital .8. Our next door n _ is an old lady . She keeps a little dog .9. Tomorrow well go on a p _ in the country . please bring some food and drinks .10.Who had taken my book ? It was a m _.三、译下列句子。1、我打开窗子让猫进来。2、阅览室里有大量的书籍。3、为那些穷人筹集资金不成问题。4、他们早起是为了赶火车。5、我在街上见到她时,她装作不认识我。6、昨天两只猴子从动物园逃了出来。7、猫追着老鼠,但逮不着它。8、我想一定是年轻人在开心的玩。9、我梦见我正在钱的海洋里游泳。10、 听!大厅里有人在唱歌。四、根据对话内容,再每一空格上填上一个恰当的词。A : Hi , Li Meng .B : Hi , Daniel .A : Oh , Li Meng . You look worried . Is there _1_ problem ?B : Yeah , Daniel . We are going to have an exam next week . But I _2_ think Im well ready for it .A : What _3_ is it ?B : Science . The main problem is not knowledge _4_ the language .A : You mean you cant understand the knowledge of science well because _5_ the language ?B : Yes . Each time I finish a science class , I feel so tired .A : I see . I think that you should use your dictionary more often when you read the science textbook , and youll understand it better .B : Maybe you are right . But what shall I do _6_ my exam ? Ive got only a week now .A : Dont _7_. Let me help you . I am good _8_ science . We can go over science together .B : Thanks a _9_.A : You are welcome . There is _10_to worry about now . Lets start this afternoon .
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