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江苏省南京市谷里初级中学八年级英语Unit 2 Reading ()学案(无答案) 人教新目标版班 级 姓 名 当堂检测:.单项填空1. I know I could not finish the homework .A. by he had come B. until he has come C. when he comes D. before he came2. Look at these clouds. .A. Itll rain B. Its going to rain C. Itll be rain D. It is to rain3. I get to the station, the train has already left. A. When B. While C. As D. After4. I will call you I get to the Statue of Liberty. A. when B. after C. as soon as D. as5. His shoes dont his clothes. A. match with B. match in C. match for D. match on6. She carries on(坚持) the job she has had a bad clod. A. even B. but C. even though D. though7. Lily finished her work well Master Wang praised(表扬) her. A. too, that B. so, that C. such, that D. so, so 8. Do you know when he ? A. arrives B. will arrive C. arrived D. would arrive.翻译下列句子 1 我们花了整天的时间作这项工作。_2 大卫在富士山拍了很多照片作为纪念。_3 参观小美人鱼的人太多了以至于只拍到了几张照片。_4 我们一到意大利就去参观了比萨斜塔。_5 尽管他第一次来中国,但是他很了解中国的历史。_
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