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9A Unit 6词组归纳Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 7879)1. get bored with staying at home 厌倦呆在家里 2. all day 整天3. as busy as 和一样忙4. watch sports on TV 看电视上的体育节目5. need a little sleep 需要睡一小会儿6. be never done 永远做不完7. chat show 访谈节目8. drama series 电视连续剧9. game show 游戏节目10. what type of TV programme 什么类型的电视节目11. learn a lot about nature 学到许多有关自然的知识12. real-life events 真实生活事件13. one day 有一天14. take part in one of them 参加它们其中的一个15. win a big prize 赢一个大奖16. There is/are +人+doing sth 有人在做某事Reading (P.8083)1. a weekly round-up一周概要2. up-to-date information最新的消息3. cover different sports涉及不同的运动项目4. such as例如5. a football fan一个足球迷6. this weeks programme这个星期的节目8. a number of interviews with the famous football players 许多对著名足球运动员的采访9. the number of.的数量10. the coming World Cup 即将来临的世界杯11. this years Beijing Music Awards 今年的北京音乐奖12. be covered live被现场报道 13. many Asian pop stars 许多亚洲流行明星14. vote online for their favourite songs网上投票他们最喜欢的歌曲15. be announced during the show在表演期间被宣布16. write down your answers写下你的答案17. send text messages to 1396发送短信到139618. while watching the show 在观看表演的时候19. win two free concert tickets赢得两张免费的音乐会门票20. a horror film directed by 导演一部恐怖电影21. be found dead in his house 被发现死在他的家里22. find out the answers找到答案23. until the very end 直到电影的结尾24. be full of horror 充满恐怖25. enjoy solving mysteries喜欢解迷26. get scared easily容易受惊吓 27. a one-hour documentary一部为时一小时的记录片28. take a close look at 仔细观察29. the life of tigers in India 印度老虎的生活30. realize how mush danger these tigers face 意识到这些老虎遇到了多少危险31. stop hunting them for their fur 停止猎取它们为了它们的皮32. an animal lover一个动物爱好者33. feel sad about it 为此感到难过34. live in the wild 生活在野外35. win an award for its amazing photography因为它惊人的摄影技术而赢得一个奖项36. send out 播出37. in a low voice 低声地38. dont mind feeling scared 不介意感到恐惧39. watch music videos 看音乐视频40. be home after 10 p.m. 晚上10点以后在家Grammar (P. 8486)1. take part in the game show 参加这个游戏节目2. this afternoon 今天下午3. in danger 处在危险中4. polar bear 北极熊5. catch fish from the water 从水中捉鱼6. live as a family 以家庭的形式居住7. male wolves 雄性的狼8. realize your dream 实现你的理想9. leave right now 马上离开10. knowvery well 很了解11. weather report 天气预报12. arrive at the studio 到达演播室13. have a chance to do sth 有个机会做某事14. tour guide 导游15. have little interest in 对很少有兴趣Integrated Skills & Study Skills (P. 8789)1. TV viewing habits 看电视的习惯2. be different from each other 彼此不同3. find them interesting 发现它们有趣4. a member of the Art Club美术兴趣小组的一员5. TV ads 电视广告6. a waste of time 浪费时间7. heavy fog 大雾8. die of cancer 死于癌症9. the least important 最不重要的10. hundreds of poems 几百首诗11. in the countryside 在乡下12. grow up listening to her poems 听着她的诗歌长大13. on the radio 通过收音机14. be famous for doing sth 因为做某事而出名15. help other young poets get their start 帮助其他的年轻诗人开始写诗16. teach writing at universities 在大学教写作Task (P. 9091)1. in Hill Building 在希尔大楼2. receive a message from 收到来自的一条信息3. call the police at once 马上报警4. three men in police uniform 三个穿警服的男人5. see sb. doing sth 看见某人在做某事6. come out of the building 从大楼里出来7. with guns in their hands 手上拿着他们的枪8. be pushed into a minibus 被推进一辆小型公共汽车里9. use a knife to open the back door 用一把小刀打来后门10. stop them from leaving 阻止他们离开
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