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9A Unit 5词组归纳 Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 6465)1. art world 艺术世界2. more pleasant 更令人愉快3. what art form 什么样的艺术形式4. pop music 流行音乐5. your favourite singer 你最喜欢的歌手6. the King of Pop 流行乐之王7. musical talent 音乐才能Reading (P. 6669)1. music without boundaries 无国界音乐2. present a medal to a winner 给获胜者颁发奖牌3. at the Beijing 2020 Olympic Games 在2020年北京奥运会上4. the award music 颁奖音乐5. a world-famous composer 一个世界著名的作曲家6. in central Hunan 在湖南省中部地区7. show an interest in music 对音乐感兴趣8. the sound of the rushing water 淙淙的流水声9. the blowing wind 10. to him 对他来说11. have no musical instrument 没有任何乐器12. make music 创作音乐13. with common objects like stones and paper 用像石头、纸一样普通的东西14. go on to study in the USA 继续在美国学习15. get to know 逐渐认识16. great musicians from around the world 来自世界各地有名的音乐家17. as a composer 作为一位作曲家18. be known for 因为而出名19. win an Oscar for his music 因为他的音乐获奥斯卡奖20. use them a lot 多次运用它们21. by controlling the speed of water flow 通过控制水的流速22. bring Chinese and Western music together 将中国和西方音乐结合起来23. the music for the Beijing Olympics 北京奥林匹克运动会上的音乐24. traditional Chinese music 中国的传统音乐25. the sound of an ancient Chinese bell 中国古代的钟声26. in a western style 以一种西方的形式27. dream without boundaries 梦想无边28. in his works 在他的作品中29. modern Western music 现代的西方音乐30. dividing line 分界线31. in one of his works 在他其中的一个作品中32. used to do sth 过去常作某事33. must be very special 一定很特别 Grammar (P. 7072)1. be chosen to do sth 被选择做某事2. build a bridge between the East and the West 在东西方之间建立一座桥梁 3. think highly of 高度评价4. at the art festival 在艺术节上5. dance at the song and dance show 在歌舞秀上跳舞6. design the posters 设计海报7. there will be 将有8. a students art show 一场学生艺术秀9. be open to all the students 对所有学生开放10. give us free tickets to an opera 给我们免费的戏剧票11. different art forms 不同艺术形式12. plan to take the underground 计划乘地铁13. go to buy some drinks 去买些饮料14. had better be quick 最好快点15. in 20 minutes 在20分钟内16. come inside 到里面来17. the man at the door 在门口的那个男人18. after a while 过了一会儿 19. see Amy running towards us 看到埃米正朝我们走来20. there is too much traffic 车辆太多21. out of breath 气喘嘘嘘22. hurry into the theatre 匆忙进入剧院23. last for one and a half hours 持续一个半小时24. miss much 错过太多25. notat all 一点也不Integrated Skills & Study Skills (P. 7375)1. at the school hall 在学校礼堂2. country music 乡村音乐3. classical music 古典音乐4. at Sunshine Theatre 在阳光剧院5. enjoy a day of music 享受一整天的音乐6. use drums a lot 大量使用鼓7. have a lasting value 有永久的价值8. African American 美国黑人9. in the traditional style 以传统形式10. make up the music while playing 在弹奏时创作乐曲11. have a music show 举办一场音乐秀12. attend all the concerts 参加所有的音乐会13. go to the folk concert 去民间音乐会14. after that 那以后15. this kind of music 这种音乐16. jazz concert 爵士音乐会17. jazz musicians 爵士音乐家18. rock concert 摇滚音乐会19. of course 当然可以20. what kind of concert 什么类型的音乐会21. classical music concert 古典音乐会22. at the gate of the theatre 在剧院门口Task (p. 7677)1. become interested in 变得对感兴趣2. my design for the art festival 我为艺术节做的设计 3. have a real gift for painting 有绘画的天赋4. play with some paint 玩弄一些颜料5. mix the paint with water 用水把颜料混合在一起6. take the brush away
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