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Unit 1 Task班级_姓名:_ 成绩:_ 【课后拓展】 一 用所给词的适当形式填空:1. I like his bright _ (smile) eyes.2. Climbing is as _ (excite) as cycling.3. Be quiet! The baby _(sleep).4. -When did you g to know him? -About ten years ago when I was in Shanghai.5. Jake is very glad to help other people w their problems.6. He isnt h_ at all, so I dont believe what he says.7. He is a student and always works hard at all the lessons. (勤劳的)8. I dont think I can pass the exam w the teachers help.9. -I have no friend to talk to when I am . (happy). -Why not talk to your teacher about your problem?10. -Whats your plan? -I would like to be a social worker. (将来)二单项选择:( )1. _ of my parents went to work yesterday. They werent at home.A. NoneB. AllC. OneD. Both( )2. -What is your best friend like? - .A. He likes swimming B. Hes polite and has a round face C. He is a teacher D. Sorry, I dont know( )3. She would like to be a teacher when she up.A. growB. grewC. growsD. is growing( )4. His small glasses make him cool and. smart.A.lookingB. lookC. to look D. looks( )5. My best friend lives next door.A. /B. inC. onD. at( )6. My best friend named Sandy is very bright. Which of the following has the same meaning as “bright”?A. cleverB. strongC. happyD. honest( )7. Its very kind you to be so kind the old.A. for, toB. for, ofC. of, toD. of, for( )8. The strange animal has no eyes ears.A. andB. orC. or noD. and not( )9. funny jokes can make others happy.A. TellB. ToldC. TellingD. Tells( )10. -I can see you are feeling sleepy. -Yes, I feel about the talk.A.bored,boringB. bored,boredC.boring,boredD. boring,boring三翻译下列句子:1我尽力帮助人们解决问题. I _ _ _ _ help people solve the problems.2我长大的时候,想成为一名社会工作者。I _ _ _ be a social worker when I _ _.3我很高兴告诉你我的未来计划. I am really _ _ _ you about my _ _.4我想变得和Sandy 一样苗条.I want _ _ _ slim _ Sandy.5我将来想成为一位著名的歌手并周游世界.I hope _ _ a famous singer and _ _ _ _.四句型转换:1.Kate is tall and slim.(划线提问)_ is Kate _ ?或者_ does Kate _ _ ?2.She always has a smile on her face.(同义句转换)She always _ a smile on her face.3.She would like to be a teacher.( 同义句转换) She _ _ _ a teacher. (同义句转换)4.She has long hair. _ _ is long.5.Kate is 14 years old. Mary is 15 years old.(同义句转换)Mary is _ _ Kate.五、书面表达:以“ My best friend “ 为题写一篇短文,包括以下要点:1.他和我一样高,戴着一副小小的圆眼镜2.爱好体育运动,每天花大量时间练习打篮球;3他,当某事困扰我时,我总是去他那里请求帮助(在省略号处补上句合适的话语)4他总能使我快乐,和他一起我不会感到厌烦; 5他长大后想成为一名社会工作者。_
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