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Unit 3 A day out 【课前导学】一、 同学们,你所在的城市或你的周围有那些名胜或值得去游玩的地方,给大家介绍一下,列举在下面的横线上。(能写几个写几个,尽可能多哦)1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8. _二、我们前面学过一些提建议的表达方式,回顾一下,写在下面的横线上。_三、 对于他人的建议你若赞同该如何表达,若是不赞同又该如何表达呢?赞同 不赞同_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _【课堂练习】合作探究(一)Discuss the answers above in groups. Share different ideas.Then finish off some exercises on the screen.合作探究(二)Dr. ED (here is a picture of him on the screen)will come to visit us here, he is interested in travelling. So Id like to plan a day out for him. Do you have any good advice? You can use Daniel and Kittys conversation on Page 28 as a model and the useful expressions on the screen. Then work in pairs and make your dialogues.e.g. A: Where shall we take Dr. ED? Shall we go to_? B: I am afraid thats not a good idea. _(the reason). A: Well, why not_ B: Thats a good idea. But its too far away. Id like to _ A: Sure. Why dont we go to _ too? B: What a great idea! Lets go to _ and _ (同学们可以用其他的表达方式来代替斜体字部分)合作探究(三)1. Look through the poster on Page 37. Answer the following question.Which school is in the final of the basketball competition? When and where will the match take place?_2. Listen to the first part of the tape, choose the correct answers to the questions.(1)On which day will the match take place?( )A. Sunday B. Saturday C. sunny(2)Which place in moonlight town will the match take place at?( )A. The moonlight school B. the sports centre C. the gym3. Play the second part of the tape. Fill in the blanksNow, listen carefully to the plan of the day.At 9:30a.m., well meet at the _ _ in Sunny street. Dont be late! The bus leaves at _.Well reach the Sports Centre at _ Then go to your seats _. The match _ at 10:30a.m. Half-time is at about _ its about ten minutes. When the players rest, you can buy food and drinks in the coffee shop. The match _ at about 11:30a.m.The bus leaves from the centre at _ and goes to Moonlight Restaurant in Moonlight Town. After lunch, you must get on the bus _ _ _ Moonlight Restaurant. It leaves at 1p.m. to _ you _ to our school.The cost of the trip is only _ per student. Please come and cheer for our team. We need your support.4. Listen to the tape again. Do “T” or “F” questions on Page 38, if it is false, try to correct it.【课后拓展】一 填空1. Our school volleyball team went to the _(决赛)yesterday.2. During _(中场休息),The players can have a break.3. You can _(休息)for 20 minutes. Its too hot.4. Without your _(支持),we wont win the match.5. There is not any _(cheer) news in the newspaper.6. Its _(use) to argue(争论)with them. They wont change the plan.二阅读When you are on a holiday ,there is a lot to see and to do. There are many interesting places ,such as parks and museums
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