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Unit 8 A green world(Integrated skills) I. Teaching hints:1. Learn some words and phrases.2. Improve students integrated skills by different kinds of activities. 3. Enable students to realize the importance of protecting the environment and encourage them to live a green life.II. The importance and difficulty of this lesson:1. Learn some listening skills.2. Learn some words and phrases3. Improve their integrated skills.III. Teaching method: the cooperative learning wayIV. Teaching preparation: Multimedia materialTeaching courses:Step 1.Lead-in: (greetings)1. (free speaking-green-a green world in my mind)2. What is the green world like in my mind? (watch and answer)Step 2. Presentation1. Question: How to make green and friendly environment come true? 2. Some words and phrases in PartA1 and A23. Listen to the tape and finish Part A1 and Part A2.4. Report time. (A3)5. Make an interview.Step 3: Speak up1. Listen and answer: Why do the students want to plant more trees?2. Sum up: Trees can3. Explain some useful words and phrases.4. Watch a video about the destroyed earth.5. Have a discussion about how to protect the earth .6. Sum up to sublime the emotion.7. Show time.Step 4: Question time-give the students some time to ask and answer. Step 5: Evaluate the groups. Step 6: Homework.1. Finish the rest exercises. 2. Learn more ways to help protect the environment.3. Preview 8B Unit 8 Task.板书设计:Survey /s:vei/empty /empti/soil /sil/dust /dst/all around the world 全世界try ones best to do 尽某人最大的努力 keep the air clean 保持空气清新be harmful to =do harm to=harm 对有害keep soil in place 固留土壤教学反思:
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