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江苏省姜堰市九年级英语全册江苏省姜堰市九年级英语全册 Unit6 Unit6 周周清周周清 8 8 无答案 无答案 人教人教 新目标版新目标版 选择填空 1 That s a wonderful film I have never seen a better one A You are quite wrong B I don t like it at all C I disagree D That s exactly what I think 2 I like the party so much but I go home It s too late What a pity A mustn t B have to C may D can t 3 We can use QQ to talk with each other on the Internet Really But can you tell me it A how I can use B how can I use C why can I use D when can I use 4 Oh Mrs King your dress looks nice Is it new No I it since two years ago A had B bought C have had D have bought 5 away this dirty shirt and me a clean one Sorry I m busy now A Pickl get B Take carry C Bring bring D Take get 6 I forgot bring my notebook You can borrow some paper from me A Help yourself B I m sorry C Don t worry D So careless 7 Tomorrow will be Father s Day What will ypu do for your father I will say I love you daddy As soon as he up A will wake B is waking C wakes D woke 8 LiLei you d better go to bed early Ok I ll go to bed as soon as I my homework A will finish B finishing C finish D finishes 9 I don t think math is so as physics John I agree with you It is than physics A easy less difficult B difficult less easy C difficult less difficult D more difficult easier 10 Hurry up The bus is coming Oh no We mustn t cross the street the traffic lights are green A after B since C while D until 11 More and more people in Beijing are learning English they can better serve the 2020 Olympic Games I m sure they will A because of B so that C even though D as if 12 Here is the book I last week Thank you I almost forgot you the book A borrowed lending B which lent borrowed C which borrowed to lend D lent lending 13 Is the lake beautiful This photo will show you A how does it look like B what does it look like C how it looks like D what it looks like 14 Why does she always ask you for help There is no one else is there A who to turn to B she can turn to C for whom to turn D for her to turn 15 You d better remember what I said yesterday others wil laugh at you Sure I ll do it you told me A or as B and as C or after D and after 16 Do you still remember me somewhere in Beijing Yes of course Two years ago A to see B see C seeing D was 17 If I ten years younger I very happy A were would be B are shall be C was shall be D were shall be 18 Did you hear that water in Tai Lake smelt terrible Yes In fact it That s all because of the people and the factories around A polluted B was polluted C has polluted D will pollute 19 Why did you laugh just now Ted wanted to tell us very funny story but he forgot end himself A a an B the the C the a D a the 20 I knocked into a tree when I went to the railway station for my friend I suppose you too fast A drive B are driving C drove D were driving 21 What do you think of my answer to the questions Sorry What s that I about something else A thought B had thought C am thinking D was thinking 22 I m going on a trip to Japan after the exam Really A Have a nice time B Congratulations C OK D It s nice of you 23 The problem is too difficult for you to solve you stay here you still can t help us with it A HoweverB Even though C Because D Unless 24 Wearing red makes it easier for you action This can help when you are having difficulty a decision A to take to make B taking making C to take making D taking to make 25 When will the foreign tourists arrive A Unit next Monday B After a few days C Not until next Monday D For a few days 26 When he get home he would find his home and he didn t know to do with the robot A in a mess how B in a mess what C in mess what D at a mess how 27 The poor woman a cold winter morning She has for many years A died on dead B died on been dead C died in been dead D was dead died 28 Help yourselves to some beef please A Ok I ll help you B Thank you C I can not help you D I can help myself 29 Now where is my purse We ll be late for the picnic A Take your time B Don t worry C Take it easy D Come on 30 The room as a meeting room A used to being used B was used to being used C used to be used D was used to be used 31 You seem to like sweets That s probably why I m becoming fatter and fatter A So I do B So do I C So am I D So I am 32 Tell me who the factory together A will you ask to go B you ll ask to go C to ask to go D you ll ask to go to 33 I call him my best friend because he s a person I can anything A talk with B talk about C talk to D talk to about 34 He s never been to Japan has he He visited Mount Fuji last year A Yes he has B No he hasn t C Yes he hasn t D No he has 35 I didn t mean you A to hurt B hurting C to be hurt D to hurting 36 When was it A steal B stole C stolen D stealing 37 Sally doesn t have to be made She always works hard A learn B to learn C learned D learning 38 Lack s father felt terrible when he saw Jack on the ground A lie B lay C lying D lieing 39 Who was the brown haired man at the meeting A we saw him B we saw C we saw who D she was seen 40 The man the bank and t hen
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