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8A Unit 1 Friends练习1用所给单词或汉语提示的适当形式填空1. Jack is_(tall) than Tom.2. Today is the_(happy) day in my life.3. This one is the _(good) of the two.4. His _(old) brother is two years_ (old) than him.5. The girl is _(thin) of the three.6. Driving is as _(dangerous). as. skiing.7. Who jumped the_(far) of the three? 8. The old lady is_(ill) today than yesterday.9. I think this lesson is the_(difficult) in this book. 10. The weather in Nanjing is_(hot) than that in Beijing, ifl gummer. 13. We dont think their classroom is _(干净) than ours. 12. Whos _(好) than you at English in your class? 13. Shanghai is one of the _ (大) cities in the world.14. Which is the _(漂亮) skirt of the three?15. The sick man is getting _ (生病的).16. The meat smells _ (坏). Please take it away.17. The wind is blowing_(大).18. Whos_(高) ,Lucy or Lily? 19. She didnt do her, homework _(仔细).20. Your bag is much _(轻) than mine.21. How_ (大) the rain is! 22. Of all the students Li Hua lives_(远).23. Mr Benson seems to be the_ (忙):man in the world. 24. The sooner,the_(好),Uncle Wang said.25. Can you do your work.with _(少) money and_(少 ) people?单项选择( )1. -Is chemistry more difficult than physics? -No, chemistry isnt as_as physics. A. easy B. difficult C. easier D. more difficult( )2. Beijing is becoming _ and_. A. more beautiful ; more B. beautiful;beautiful C. more; more beautiful D. more beautiful;more beautiful ( )3._children there are in a family, _their life will be. A. The less;the better B. The fewer;the better C. Fewer; richer D. More ; poorer( )4. The experiment was _ easier than we had expected. A. more B. much more C. much D. more much( )5. October the twelfth was one of _days in 2020. The Shenzhou-VI was sent up successfully. A. exciting B. more exciting C. the most exciting D. much exciting ( )6. What a_cough! You seem _ ill. A. terrible ; terribly B. terribly; terrible C. terrible ; terrible D. terribly ; terribly( )7. I feel even _now. A. bad B. well C. worse D. worst ( )8. She was very happy. She ran_of all the runners. A. the fastest B. the quickest C.slowest D. quickly ( )9. He is taller than_in his class. A. any boy B. any C. any other boy D. some 6ther boys( )10. The car is running_.It seems to be flying. A. more and faster B. more and fast C. fast and fast D. faster and faster( )11. English is as _as Chinese. You should learn it well. A. important B. more important C. the most important D. much more important( )12. Music is not so useful as s6ience. This sentence means music is_useful than, science. A. fewer B. less C. more D. a lot ( )13. He is_ enough to carry the heavy box. A. stronger B. much stronger C. strong D. the strongest 同义句转换1. Helen and I are the same age.Helen is_ _ _I.2. English is more interesting than any other subject. English is_ _ _.3. He is the strongest of the three. He is _ _ the other two.4. Lesson 6 is more difficult than lesson 5. Lesson 5 isnt _ _ _ lesson 6.5. A: No printer is more expensive than this one in the Shop. B: This printer is the_ _in the shop.用所给词的正确形式填空1. Do you know anything about the film_(name) Titanic? 2. He feels very_ (happy) because he has no friends bere.3. The river is about 5, 000 kilometres in_ (long). 4. I want to be a_( sing), when I grow up.5. The Great Wall is one of the greatest _ (wonder) in the world. 6.I feel very_(comt;ortable) because they often laughat me. 7. Who is _(thin) ,Daniel or Millie?8. Hes a _(read) of “Teenagers” mggazme.9. This story is _(interesting.) than that one.改为同义句1. My bike is better than his. His bike is not_ _ _ mine.2. He is the most careful boy in his class. He is_ _ _any other boy in his class.3. I dont think he is as fast as Tom. I think he is_ _Tom.4. China is larger than any other country in Asia(亚洲 )。 China is _ _ coun
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