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Unit 5 A green world学习内容Unit 5 A green world Reading 学习目标1. To learn some new words and phrases 2. To improve the students comprehension of reading 3. To call on more people to live a green life 学习重难点1.To learn to guess meanings of new words from the context2.To learn to skim text for overall meanings and scan for details导 学 过 程感悟一 预习Step One Warm-up and lead-inFree talkHave you ever been to others European countries?Do you anything about Switzerland?Switzerland is a country synonymous with scenic Alps, posh pocketknives, fine chocolate, world-class watches, and of course, a clean environment.According to the 2020 Environmental Performance Index, Switzerland tops the global list of countries ranked by environmental performance. The countrys achievements and measures in environmental protection can be seen in peoples daily lives.Step TwoListen to the tape and answer some following sentencesWhat can be recycled in Switzerland?What does the government do to protect the environment?How many new ways can we use energy?Step ThreeRead the article and help Kitty match the words below with their meanings in the text.Read the article again and finish B3.二展示交流lk about with Sandy and complete their conversationKitty: My online friend Martina wrote last week about how they protect the _ in Switzerland.Sandy: Really? What do they do to keep their country clean?Kitty: In Switzerland, cans, glass, plastic and paper are _ into different bins and then recycled.Sandy: Do they _ anything else?Kitty: Yes, they also recycle old clothes. An organization _ old clothes and then deals with them in different ways.Sandy: How do they deal with those old clothes?Kitty: Some are sold in _, some are given to _, and others are sent to _ for recycling.Sandy: That sounds like a good idea.Kitty: They also have _ to prevent people from cutting down trees. If you cut down a tree, you will be _.Sandy: Thats great!三、反馈练习:一、用给单词适当形式填空1. There are some _ (different) from our country.2. The _(organize) collects some old clothes and gives some of them to the poor.3. If you do something against the law, you _(publish).4. Hurry up, time _ (run) out!5. It is important to use nature _(wise).6. _(luck), we have found new ways to use energy.二、单项选择( ) 1. What is not the new types of energy? A. wind B. water C. oil D. sun( ) 2. Switzerland is a country _ high mountain and clean blue lakes. A. with B. have C. has D. wears( ) 3. We can separate the things _ different bins. A. for B. in C. out of D. into( ) 4. New types of energy produce _ pollution. A. many B. few C. little D. much( ) 5. What do human beings depend _ all the time? A. with B. on C. at D. for教学反思:
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