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2020学年八年级英语下学期期末复习天天练5 一、单项选择( )1. My father _in a shoe factory. A. used to working B. is used to work C. used to work D .used to worked( )2. The old man was _to walk any further. A. so tired B. tired enough C. too tired D. very tired( )3. They have done _hard work that they needed help. A. so B. such a C. such D. too( )4. He has worked _this maths problem for an hour but he hasnt worked_. A. on, out it B. out, on it C. for, at it D. on, it out( )5. You cant answer this question, can you? _,I know_ about it A. No, little B. Yes, little C .No, a little D. Yes, nothing( )6. How much did you_ your new bike? A. spend in B. take to C. cost with D. pay for( )7. I have always felt _having such an honest like Jim. A. proud to B. proud of C. lucky enough to D. afraid of( )8. We will _money for the poor areas in the west. A. send B. donate C. give D raise( )9. Its very thoughtful _Mr. Zhao _us homework at Christmas. A. for, doesnt give B. for, not to give C. of, not to give D. with, not give( )10. The dictionary _is very expensive. A. we need B. which we need it C. to need D. what we need( )11. He got up very early _he could catch the first bus to town. A. so B. so that C. as soon as D. because of( )12. There _a small pool in front of our house. But now its a small park. A. used to have B. was used to be C. used to be D. used be( )13. This is _an interesting book and I like it very much. A. so B. such C. very D. quite( )14. Modern medicine has developed very fast. We are really lucky_. A. men B. them C. ones D. peoples二、完形填空 Sam is a bus driver in a big city. All day he drives a bus through busy streets. Driving a big bus is a very 1 work. It makes some drivers unhappy. But not Sam!Sam is always happy. And the people who ride in his bus seem to be happy, too. This story shows 2 .Early one morning, Sam started his big green and yellow bus. He went off on 3 work. Oh, what a beautiful morning! he sang. What a fine day!At the first stop, a man was 4 .Good morning, Mr. James, said Sam with a big smile. How are you? Fine, thank you, Sam, said Mr. James. How are you?Wonderful! Sam answered. Just WONDERFUL, this is a fine day. Mr. James smiled. He took a seat. As he looked 5 the window, he still smiled. At 6 stop a man came running up. He was puffing. I have to puff-catch a train- puff at seven, he said. Can you puff-get me to the station?Now just sit down and rest, said Sam. Ill drive a little 7 . We will be there in time. Then you 8 run again.Thank you, said the man as he got off the bus. You are the best bus drivers in the city! As he drove on, Sam 9 talking again. By this time, many people were on the bus. They were all going to work. But Sam made the ride seem like fun.It is now ten minutes after seven, Sam called out. The sky is blue. It will not rain today. We all like sunshine, dont we?He began to sing, I love you, Mr. Sunshine. I love you, Mr. Sun. In all the world I love you best. Your are the only one.What is that song, Sam? a girl asked. Its my song, he said .I made it up. I like to sing. It makes 10 people want to sing, too. Sam was right! The man behind him started to sing!( ) 1. A. easy B. great C. interesting D. hard( ) 2. A. what B. why C. when D. who( ) 3. A .todays B. days C. the days D. riding( ) 4 .A. waiting B. talking C. laughing D. up( ) 5.A. into B. out of C. at D. up( ) 6. A. the first B. the last C. he other D. the next( ) 7. A. faster B. slower C. quicker D. farther( ) 8.A. dont B. wont C. wont have to D. have to( ) 9.A. liked B. started C. enjoyed D. finished( ) 10.A .another B. the others C. others D. other三、阅读理解AIn 1834,the clock tower in London was burned down. People planned to build a new clock which would be the biggest and best in the world. So the clock had to be big and keep very good time. The big clock was made in two years. Five more years later the tower was finished. Then people put the big clock in the tower, and made it ring out for the first time on July 11, 1859.In order to give the big clock a good name, people held a meeting. Someone wanted to call it the Queen of
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