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Unit 2 School life一、重点词组:1. British/American English英式/美式英语2. in Year 8/Grade 8 /in 8th grade 在8年级3. a mixed school 一所男女混合的学校4. my favourite subject 我最喜爱的学科5. cook healthy and tasty meals 煮健康而又可口的饭6. near the end of sth /at the end of sth 在-将要/-结束的时候7. drive sb to sp 开车送某人去某地8. once/twice a month 一月一次/两次9. spend a lot of time practicing 花大量时间实践与-谈论10. talk to sb. about sth 跟某人谈论某事11. enjoy sth a lot 很喜欢12. many heroes 许多英雄/偶像13. have a great time talking to each other 彼此交谈得愉快14. at age 16 在16岁时15. an unimportant language 一种不重要的语言16. have the least money 有最少的钱17. score the most / fewest points 得最高/低分18. be the same as / be different from 与相同/与不同19. be the same size/price/length as 与有同样的尺寸/价格/长度20. have seven weeks off 有7天的假期21. live four kilometers (away) from 住在离四千米的地方22. a piece of news in the newspaper 报纸上的一则消息23. go on a school trip to someplace 去某地举行一次学校旅行24. finish reading the book 读完这本书25. a bridge 100 meters in length 一座长100米的桥二、重点句翻译:A1. What is school like? 学校是什么样子?2. I know how to cook healthy and tasty meals. 我知道怎样烧煮健康美味的饭菜。3. I spend a lot of time practicing playing softball. 我花许多时间练习打垒球。4. During lunchtime, we always have a great time talking to each other. 在午饭时间,我们彼此交谈得愉快5. Amy scored the most points. 艾米获得了最高分。B1. Amys sweater is like Millies./Amys and Millies sweaters are alike. 艾米和米莉的羊毛衫很相象2. My uniform is the same as Simons. 我的校服和西蒙的是一样的。3. School life in the USA is different from that in Britain. 彼此交谈得愉快4. British students spend less time doing their homework than Chinese students. 英国学生花在做作业上的时间比中国学生少。5. My ideal school has a park on one side and a shopping mall on the other. 我理想中的学校一侧有一个花园,另一侧一个商场。
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