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江苏省江阴市璜土中学七年级英语上册7A Unit 2 ReadingII导学案(无答案) 牛津版 导 学 案主备人总 13 课时上课时间课 题7AUnit2 ReadingII 学习目标知识目标掌握运用本课所学的词汇、词组和句子。能力目标能够运用已学知识,描述自己的校园生活。情感目标通过学习对校园生活的表达,培养同学们热爱学习和爱护校园的情感。学习重点能够运用已学知识,描述自己的校园生活。学习难点能够运用已学知识,描述自己的校园生活。课前自学一、亲爱的同学们根据句子意思和中文提示写出单词。1. is very _(忙碌) every day .2. Yao Ming is a basketball _(运动员).3. I want to have a good _(睡觉).4. e often_(吃) dinner at school.5. Millie likes _(聊天) with her friends.6. She is good at _(游泳).7. Dont _(忘记) to close the door.8. I think it is a _(难)question.9. Does Tim often_(写) letters or e-mails?10. The shop is _(关) at this time of day.二、改写句子。1. Miss Green is twenty-five years old. (划线提问)_ _ is Miss Green ?2. Kitty does her homework very carefully.(改为否定句) Kitty _ _her homework very carefully3. His father works in a factory.(改为一般疑问句)_ his father_ in a factory ?4. I want to go shopping on Sunday.(同义句)I _ _to go shopping on Sunday.5. Its time for lunch now. (同义句) ts time_ _ lunch now.三、根据你对课文的理解填空。Millie _1_her school. It is Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. She likes her classroom _2_its _3_ and clean. She often sits under the tree in the playground at lunchtime with her _4_friend Amy. Then she has lessons. Her _5_ lessons are Chinese and _6_.She _7_ about two hours a day _8_ her homework. She goes to the _9_ _10_ after school every Tuesday and Friday . She also likes _11_ volleyball. She always has a _12_ time at school! 四、请尽可能自己复述全文,并写出来。可以小组合作哦! 课堂交流展示1、小组内进行预习交流,讨论预习存在的问题。2、展示交流 (1). 小组进行词汇、词组读写比赛。 (2). 小组竞赛展示预习作业一、二 。(3)小组展示预习作业三 。(4)、找知识点,讲解知识点比赛。看哪组总结的知识点又多又好! 复述课文比赛。(展示预习作业四)(5)、课文阅读比赛,试着背诵一两段课文比赛哦。(6)、老师随机抽取两位同学作文展示并打分,其余作业小组互改!小组内说说自己的学校生活,并随机抽签展示! 课堂达标检测一、完成下列句子。1. 我每天花两小时做作业。I _ two hours _ my homework every day.2. 他妹妹戴眼镜。His sister _ _.3. 李华为学校足球队效力。Li Hua _ _the school football team.4. 我不知道如何使用电脑。I dont know how _ _ a computer.5. 感谢你帮助我。Thank you _ _me.6. 整个城市有两百多家学校。 There are 200 schools in the whole city 7我妹妹每天晚上总是要花一个小时看报。 My sister always an hour newspapers every evening8. 我们盼望着国庆节的到来。 We are to National Day二、书面表达。 根据下面所提供的信息,介绍一下Jessica从星期一到星期五的活动。 要求:1用第一人称。 2时态正确。 36080词。 On Monday have school assembly in the Assembly Hall On Tuesday play tennis with Mary On Wednesday play football organize all the boys On Thursday watch Cartoons(卡通片) on TVOn Friday go to the museum after school_ _ _
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