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江苏省泗阳县实验初级中学2020学年七年级英语 周练一 人教新目标版一、按顺序写出26个字母的大小写(26分)_二、写出五个元音字母的大小写(10分)_三、选择正确答案:(24分)( )1.-Good morning, Miss Fang. - _. A. Goodbye B. Good morning C. Good afternoon( )2.-_? - Fine, thank you. A. Are you fine today? B. How are you today? C. How old are you?( )3.- Whats your name? - _ is Peter. A. Im B. My name C. I( )4.- _ are Jill, right? -No. _ am Nick. A. You, I B. Your My C. You, My( )5.This is _. A. dog B. your dog C. my a dog( )6. Your father _ a teacher, right? A. are B. is C.am( )7.书写时小写字母占下两格的一组字母是: A. j i B. y q C. d p.( )8.下列哪组字母含有相同的元音音素? A. A , L B. V , G C. I , J( )9.下列缩写字母表“千克”的是: A. kg B. km C. HK ( )10.当你和朋友谈话结束后准备分手时应说: A. Im OK B. Bye-bye C.Good afternoon( )11.遇到方老师,你主动向她问候致意,下面说法不正确的是: A. Hello! Miss Fang. How are you? B. Hi! Whats your name? Miss Fang.C. Good morning, Miss Fang. How are you?( )12.当你向别人介绍你的弟弟Nick时,你说: A. This is Nick. Hes my brother. B. Yourre Nick, right? C. Nick, this is my brother. 四、从II栏中找出能应答I栏的正确答语:( 16分 ) I II( )1. Hello, Mrs Li. A. He is my father.( )2.How are you? B. No, Im Nick.( )3.Youre Peter, right? C. Its a dog.( )4.Good morning, Lily D.Fine, thank you.( )5.Whats your name? E. Im Sally.( )6.Is this a cat? F. Hello, Andy.( )7.Whats this? G.Yes, it is.( )8.Who is he? H. Good morning, millie.五、在下列对话中填入适当的词,使对话意思完整。(10分) 1.-Good afternoon, Mrs Wang. - Good _, boys and girls. 2.-Hi, Jack. _ are you? - _ fine, thank you. _ you? - I am fine too. 3. - My name _ Peter. Whats _ name?- Im Lily. 4. Lily: This is Mrs Li. _ is my teacher. Mother: Nice to meet you, Mrs Li. Mrs Li: _ to meet you too.5. - _ Peter, right? - _, Im Andy.六、把下列句子按正确的顺序排成一段对话。(14分) A. Im fine, thank you. And you? B. Good morning. C. My name is Alice. Yourre Jack right? D. Im fine too. E. Good morning. Whats your name? F. How are you, Jack? G. Yes, I am.1._ 2. _ 3._ 4. _ 5._ 6. _ 7. _友情提醒: 认真 细心 规范!
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