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Unit 8 Natural disasters Reading21、 Teaching aims:1、 掌握一些重点单词、词组。如: shake scream, alive, wildly,In fear ,in all directioncalm down , be trapped ,stay alive ,in a great hurry2、进一步掌握本课中的重点和难点,能够对一些短语和句型做到进一步的理解和掌握3、教育学生了解自然灾害,并学会在自然灾害中自我保护二Knowledge to prepare:一)翻译下列词组。(合起课本试一试)1起初 2.向四面八方跑 3.平静下来4.自言自语 5.陷入困境 6.喊救命7.很长一段时间 8.尽力做某事9.寻找出路 10.匆忙做某事二)根据课文内容填空。(合起课本试一试)Timmy survived the earthquake in 1999. At first ,he felt a _1_Shaking .Then he heard a big noise like _2_. People were in _3_. The noise became really loud _4_ bombs under the ground .After that , pieces of glass and bricks fell down .People ran in all _5_. Timmy _6_ his best to run out but _7_.When The noise ended, he found he was _8_ and still stay _9_. He told himself to _10_ down and shouted for _ .At last , people moved away the bricks and stones and saved him.3 Teaching contents:1、阅读文章,各小组找出一些重要的知识点并且注释,准备课堂上展示。2、两人一组,一人扮演记者,另一人扮演 Timmy 接受采访.注:记者要按事件的顺序提问. A、Where were you when the earthquake started.B、What were you doing?3讨论:分组对自己了解或是经历的自然灾害展开讨论.在灾害中如何保护自己?如(1)Is it a good idea to jump out of the window if the building starts to shake?(2)Is it safe to ride bikes or drive cars fast during a snowstorm?(3)Is it safe to hide under a big tree during a rainstorm with thunder and lightning?(4)What can we do if we dont have time to escape()?4、分组写出语言点并在组内和班内展示与讨论5、小组讨论,合作完成采访。并在班内展示其采访过程4 Knowledge carding1、fear n.害怕 (其词组) in fear 提心吊胆我的脑中掠过一阵恐惧,但我告诉我自己要镇定下来.A moment of _ my mind but I told myself to calm down2.mind n. 头脑,想法, 精神 vt./vi. 介意,在乎常用搭配:make up ones mind to do sth 下决心做某事Never mind 不要紧, mind doing sth 介意做某事活学活用:1).would you mind my _ (close) the window.2).-Weve missed the bus !- _,(不要紧)there will be another one in 10 minutes.3).wild adj.野生的,野性的 _/_ 野兽/野花 (2)wild (adv.)_ 例句:He ran _ down the street.他发狂似地沿着街跑4.calm vi.(使)平静,(使)镇定,平息 adj.平静的,镇 静的,沉着的 常用搭配:keep calm 保持镇静 .calm down 使平息,使平静活学活用:1. The mother _.母亲使孩子安静下来A、The sky is blue , and the sea _.天空碧蓝,海上风平浪静。B、It was difficult to _ the football fans.要使足球球迷平静下来是很困难的。5.trap v.使困住.(其词组) be trapped 陷入困境例句:电梯坏了,我们被困在里面。The lift broke down and we _ inside.6. moment n.片刻常用搭配:(通过查资料或字典解释其意义及用法)at the moment, for the moment, for a moment in a moment7. alive adj.(1)活着的, 存在的(常作表语,后置定语,表语)(1) Timmy found that he was still _.蒂米发现他仍然活着。(2) They caught the bear _. 他们活捉了那只熊。8. hurry vt.使赶紧 ,使匆忙, 加速 vi匆忙,赶紧,快 n.匆忙, 常用搭配:in a hurry ,hurry up ,hurry to do sth , 活学活用:1)._ ! Youll be late. 快点! 你会迟到的。2)I _ to the ticket office.我匆忙地赶到售处。3)( )He went to school _.A. in a hurry B. hurry up C. in hurry 4).People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones. (改为同义句) People _ move away the bricks and stones.五、Compliance testing:一)词组练习1.Frightened by the loud noise , the children looked at each other_(害怕的).2.The small animals in the forests _(四处逃窜) when they saw a tiger coming .3.We _(正在尽全力) to protect wild animals .4.The fans _(疯狂尖叫) all the time during the concert .5.I _(平静下来) after listening to the beautiful music .6.Five workers _(被困) in the mine for 10hours last month.二).选用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空.Be trapped , because, turn off ,calm down , in all directions In a hurry5. His eyes are red _ he cried just now.6. Please dont _ lights , Its too dark here.7. Our teacher often tells us _ when we are studying.8. Timmy _ in a dark place when the earthquake stopped.9. There was a fire in that building . People ran to put it out_10. My grandfather was suddenly ill ,so we took him to the hospital_.三).用所给单词的适当形式填空.1.I felt a slight _(shake) through my body at the beginningOf the earthquake.2. The girl was very_ (frighten),so she screamed out.3. I told myself I must stay_(live) in this case.4. “Did I really survive?” she asked _(she).5. “I was _ (trap).”I thought to myself.6. People are running_ (wild) because pieces of glass and bricks fell down.7. Dont go into the room. They _ (mop)the floor.
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