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江苏省灌南县九年级英语上册 Unit 1 welcome& Vocabulary 学案 牛津版二、学习重难点:用所学的相关性格特征的形容词描述一个人运用卡通漫画中的句型及短语三、学习过程:(一)学前准备1. 自学卡通漫画,有感情的朗读、表演Eddie和Hobo的对话。2. 积累十二生肖的词汇,了解星座划分信息3.两人一组编对话,询问属相和生日4.自学新知识:Its nice of you to bring me the newspaper. It says ( that )- be familiar with find out have a lot to eat and drink worry about (not) doing sth. 5.写出下列词的反义词,如果有困难可以查字典哦!happy_ kind_quick_easy_ possible_ polite_ weak_ helpful_ comfortable_ friendly_expensive_hot_ active_ patient_ necessary_ welcome_ soft_ proud_6预习疑难摘要: (二)交流展示 互动探究 精讲点拨1.复习中国的12生肖。(集体展示)2.两人一组编对话,询问属相和生日等信息引出西方的12星座,通过对话能认识到中西方的文化差异,认识星座的符号以及英文说法,对照月份定自己的星座:(两人展示)3.表演Eddie和Hobo的卡通漫画对话。(先集体、小组,再两人展示)学习重点知识。4. 分小组展示所积累的形容词,再将它们分成两类:褒义词和贬义词。(小组展示)5. 学习用形容词描述身边的同学朋友。6. 完成课堂巩固。四、达标巩固(标为选做题)一、翻译下列词组1把报纸拿给我_2有很多吃的和喝的_3担心没有吃早饭_4对熟悉 _5.你太好了。_ 6. 各种各样的想法_7. 把它解释给我们听_ 8. 炫耀_9. 跳舞两小时_ 10. 捐钱给慈善机构_二、根据句意及所给中文写出正确的单词。1. Do you read (报纸)every day? 2. What are your (父母亲)star signs?3. Are you _ (感兴趣)in the star signs?4. I didnt have breakfast this morning, so I feel so _(饿)now.5She never _(争吵) with others.6. In the _(西方), people use the 12 star signs.7. She wants to know more about _(西方的)culture.8. They want to be _(领导)when they grow up.9. David is _(勤奋)and is often _(成功)三、完成句子。1.这个男孩真好,帮我们打扫教室。The boy is very kind,he often _ _ _ _. 2.他足够大方,给我们每人买了一份礼物。He is very generous, he _ _ _ _ two _.3对我们而言努力学习很重要。It is very important _work hard.4明天别忘了把你的家庭作业带来。Dont forget _tomorrow.5当我起床迟了,我总是担心赶不上早班车。When I get up late, I always the early bus.6. 看墙上的标志牌, 上面写着 “不准吸烟”. _ _ the sign on the wall. _ _ _ _7. 我们不应该把宠物带到学校. We shouldnt _ _ _ _ _8. 对一个跳舞者来说,保持健康是重要的。Its important _ dancers _ _ _.9. 他们为我们付了饭钱,真大方。He is generous _ _ _ _ the meal for us.10. 他把包放在出租车上,真是太粗心了。Its careless _ him _ leave his bag on the taxi.11. 他足够强壮以至于能搬动这个箱子。He is _ _ _ carry the box.He is _ strong _ he can carry the box.12. 李老师有足够的耐心以致于能给学生解决所有的问题。Mr. Li is _ _ _ solve all the problems.Mr. Li is _ _ _ he can solve all the problems.13. Eddie太自私了,一个人把整个蛋糕都吃完了。Eddie is _ _ _ eat up the whole cake.Eddie is _ _ _ he eats up the whole cake.五、拓展应用
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