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Unit 6 The fashion show Period 8 Check outLearning aims 1. Review the names of clothes and shoes and some suitable words to talk about clothes.2. Review the usages of the words can and may3. Review the usages of the words first, then, next, afterwards and finally4. To introduce and identify syllables in words 5. To recognize the number of syllables in a word from listening and readingActivity One Preview.I. New words (写出下列单词划线部分的音标、词性、词义).1. poster _ 2. still _3. certainly _ II. Usages of important words. (生词的用法) still : 词性:_ 词义: _我的父亲仍记得他上学的第一天。My father _ _ his first day at school. III. Some useful phrases (正确朗读下列短语,并译成中文)make my design better have some more time to do sth. IV. Some important sentences (正确朗读下列句子,并译成中文).1. Hows your poster going?_2. Look at that pair of white trousers. They look beautiful._Activity Two RevisionStep One 1. 请归纳本单元所学的服装类名词_2. 请归纳描述服装的形容词(含颜色、穿得感觉等词)_3. 请归纳描述服装质地的名词_Step Two Make a dialogue with your partner to talk about clothes. Step Three Finish part B on page 105.Activity Three Finish Sandys poster .Step One Rearrange the following sentences with first then next afterwards finally.1. I do my homeworkI go to bedI do after-school activities I get up I go to school2. Simon does the show Simon goes home Simon dresses up in white trousers Simon talks to Kitty Simon chooses what to wearStep Two 1. Finish Part A on page 1052. Read it in groupsActivity Four Review can and mayStep One Discuss in groups and tell the differences from may and can. May: Can:Step Two Read the sentences on page 97 aloud.Step Three Make sentences with can and may by competition in groups.Activity Five Writing请向大家介绍自己心中理想的服装。Hello, everybody! I would like to introduce you my ideal clothes. Exercises (检测反馈)一、根据句意、首字母或中文提示填空。1. 1. Simon likes to wear (色彩鲜艳的) trainers.2. What are the trousers m of ?3. (at last) , the shoemaker put a shoelace into a trainer.4. The boots Sandy tried on were too small. They were not (舒适的)5. We all wore clothes from different (时代) in the 20th century.6. For most people, the word “f ” means “clothes”.7. The red blouse doesnt well with your green jeans.二、选词填空 “can, may or cant ”。1.A: _ I fly a kite ? B: Yes, you _2.A: _ you play computer games ?B: No, I _.Mum wants me to do my homework3.A: _ I watch TV now .Mum ? B: No ,you _Exercises (巩固提升) 一、完成句子。1. 我认为运动鞋非常舒服,他们是年轻人最喜欢的鞋子。I think _ _ very _. They are _ _ _.2. 我们举行这场秀是为希望工程募集钱。We _ the show _ _ money _ the Project Hope.3. 我确信他们不管穿在谁身上都会显得很漂亮。I _ _ they will _ _ _ anyone.4. 吴老师给我们做了个时装表演方面的演讲。Mr. Wu gave us a talk _ _ _.5. 你能猜出我的衣服是什么时候的吗?Can you guess _ my clothes _ _?二、完形填空。Mrs. Halls old grandfather lives with her and her husband. Every morning he goes for a walk in the _1_ and comes home at twelve oclock for his _2_.But one _3_ a police car stops outside Mrs. Halls house at half past eleven. And two policemen help _4_ to get out. One of them says to Mrs. Hall, “ The poor old gentleman loses his _5_ in the park and telephones _6_for help, so we go into a car to _7_ him home.” Mrs. Hall is very _8_,but she thanks the policemen and they leave.“But, Grandfather,” she then says, “ you go to that park nearly every day for twenty years._9_ do you lose your way there?”The old man smiles, closes one eye and says , “I dont lose my way. I just get_10_and I dont want to walk home!” ( )1.A. riverB. townC. parkD. shop( )2.A. breakfast B. lunchC. supper D. dinner( )3.A. morningB. afternoonC. eveningD. night( )4.A. herB. her husbandC. her grandfatherD. her grandparents( )5.A. moneyB. bookC. wayD. car( )6.A. themB. himC. usD. her( )7.A. takeB. bringC. giveD. walk( )8.A. happyB. sadC. surprisedD. worried( )9.A. HowB.
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