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江苏省连云港东海县平明镇中学2020学年九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems阅读学案2(无答案) 牛津版Learning aims 1. To understand the passage and improve the skills of reading. Learning proceduresActivity One PreviewI. New words (写出下列单词的划线部分的音标、词义和词性)1. deal 2. choice 3. complete 4. refuse 5. accept 6. hardly 7. spare 8. doubt 9. whether 10. worth 11. offer 12. suggestion 13. value 14. plenty 15. allow 16. strict 17. achieve 18. task II. New Phrases (翻译下列短语)1. have no choice but to do sth. 2. stay up late 3. refuse to do sth. 4. hand it in on time 5. have spare time for hobbies 6. such as 7. be worth doing 8. look forward to sth. 9. offer me some suggestions 10. be of great value to sb. 11. hear from sb. 12. get into trouble 13. allow sb. to do sth. 14. from time to time 15. spend more/less time on 16. advise sb. to do sth. 17. be strict with sb. 18. hope to do sth. III. New sentences (翻译下列句子) 1. I wish I could have my parents support. 2. I really dont understand why they are so strict. 3. My dream is to be a great football player. 4. I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard. Activity Two Lead-inStep One Free talk Do you have a problem? Whats your problem?Whats your biggest problem? How can you deal with it?Step Two Go through the passage and answer the following questions. Who are the letters from? Why do they write the letters?Activity Three Pre-readingListen and do T or F exercises.1. Millie and Simon are both Grade 9 students. ( )2. Millie spends a lot of time on homework. ( )3. Millie doesnt know when to do her homework and when to spend time on hobbies. ( )4. Simon is crazy about football. He often gets home very late. ( )5. Simon thinks hobbies can help people relax and make our lives interesting. ( )Activity Four While-reading1. Read the letter from Millie to Sigmund Friend loudly.(1) Finish Part C (Millies problems).(2) Read and answer. a. What are Millies hobbies? Do you have any hobbies? What are they? b. What kind of hobbies in your opinion is good? Why?c. How do you like these hobbies? Why do the hobbies annoy(使烦恼)her?(3) Complete the followingMillie has lots of h_ _. But she finds that she spends so much time d _ _ her homework, and she cant find any time f_ _ her hobbies. She cant d _ _ how to deal with the problem. She asks Sigmund Friend to teach her how to a _ _ a balance between the two.(4) Finish the letter from Sigmund to Millie in Part D.2. Read the letter from Simon to Sigmund Friend quickly (1) Do Part C (Simons problems).(2) Read and answer. a. What is Simons favorite hobby?b. Can you list some advantages of playing football?c. Why does he say “football has become a big problem now”?d. Whats his parents idea?(3) Finish the letter from Sigmund to Simon in Part D.Activity Five Post-reading1. Fill in the table according to the reading.MillieSimonGradeHobbiesFavouriteHomeworkTime for sportsParents2. Retell the two letters.3. Do a survey Which problems do you have?Activity Six WritingWere going to have our mid-exams, do you have any stress? Do you have any other stress in Grade 9? You can write to your pen friends like Millie.
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