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江苏省连云港市新浦中学八年级英语上册8A Unit 6 Natural disasters Integrated skills教学案(无答案) 牛津版Step 1 讨论 许多人喜欢雪,因为雪确实美丽。然而,有时它也会带来麻烦。在阳光镇下了一场暴雪,它会给当地的人们带来什么问题呢?请你放开思路,列举大雪可能带来的问题吧。 小组讨论,看哪组想的多,想的合理。 Step 2 听力训练1. 听一遍录音,了解大意,明白苏先生夫妇遇到了什么麻烦。 Mr and Mrs Su 2. 再听录音,填写事故报告单中部分信息。3.快速阅读A2部分的警方报告,获取有用信息完成A 1部分报告单。4.小组核对答案。如有疑问,向老师求助。Step 3 活动两人一组,其中一人扮演记者,另一人扮演苏先生接受采访,下列问题供参考:1. What happened to you, Mr Su?2. Were you alone in the car? 3. Why didnt you get out by yourselves?4. Was anyone hurt?5. Did you call someone for help?6. What do you think caused the accident? 好好准备哦!秀出你自己。Step 4 练习1.阅读课本103页 A3 部分,根据A1 和A2 部分提供的信息完成练习。2.小组核对答案。3.集体朗读邮件。Step 5 Speak up 1. 听录音,回答下列问题: 1)What happened in Britain? 2) What caused the fire? 3)Was anyone hurt?2. 再听录音,跟读对话,可要模仿正确的语音语调。3. 两人一组操练对话,可用新内容替换。 S1: Did you hear about? S2: No. What happened? the flood in Wuhan, rained for a few days,all his books (wet) move to his uncles house S1: There was S2: Oh, really?S1:Yes, it was terrible. S2:.Step 6 拓展延伸 遇到紧急情况,你知道如何求救吗?报警电话务必简洁明了,地点、状况等信息要准确。Fill in the blanks with 110 ,120 ,119 ,114 ,121:1.A:“Look out ,there is a fire !” B: “Dont worry about it. Lets call_ _ hotline.2.A:“That boy fell from a tree and hurt badly.” B: “Dont move him. Lets call_ _ hotline.3.If a car crashed into a tree, we will call_ hotline.4.A: “ Today is so cold! What about tomorrows weather? B: “Sorry, I dont know. You can see the weather forecast or you can call_ _ hotline.5.A: “I want to call Jim, but I dont know his number.” B: “You can call _ _hotline to ask it.”Step 7 当堂检测 一用所给单词的适当形式填空: 1.You _(lose) your key inside just now, so how can you find it inside?2. The twins _(work) on the machine when you _(come) in.3.They _(plant) 10,000 trees in 1995.4. Our knowledge of the universe _( grow) all the time.5. No one knows what_(happen) in 100 years.6. Our maths teacher always tells us never _(lose) heart when we are in trouble. 二翻译下列句子: 1. 地震考试的时候,很多人正在床上睡觉。 Many people when the earthquake started. 2. 我昨天这个时候正在搜索因特网。 I at this time yesterday. 3. 老师进教室时,一些形式正在小声说话。 Some students when the teacher came into the classroom. 4. 当他们在一家咖啡店里闲聊时,突然听到一声像打雷似的巨响。 They suddenly while they were . 5. 当我在看电视的时候,我弟弟正在玩电脑游戏。 While I , my brother Step 8 Homework 1. 完成同步导学的Integrated skills 练习。 2. 预习 Main task 部分。
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