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免烧砌块成型机控制系统设计摘要:随着我国的农耕面积不断减少导致农作物产量持续下降,这是由于一些传统制砖厂大肆把自然土壤当做烧结砖瓦的原材料进行生产,严重破坏了土壤结构,导致农村可耕种土壤面积大大减少。传统的砖在制作过程中都要有加热的过程,一般是焙烧或是蒸汽加热,在这种情况下,砌块进入人们的视野中,砌块一般都是预制的,不需要加热,类似于混凝土,原料按配合比经下料、搅拌、浇捣、养护后定型,需要一定时间,因此免烧砌块成型机应运而生。所以本文研究并设计了免烧砌块成型机及其控制系统,并具体介绍其机械结构、工作过程及电气和液压控制原理。该方案利用电气、液压联合驱动和控制,使得成型机结构大为简化,控制更加简便。关键词:免烧砌块;成型机;PLC控制系统Design of control system for non-burning block forming machineAbstract:As Chinas farming area leading to declining crop yields continued to decline, which is due to some traditional brick factories to natural soil wantonly fired brick and tile as a raw material for production, severely damaged the soil structure, resulting in the rural area of arable soil is greatly reduced. Traditional brick in the production process must have the heating process is generally calcined or heated steam, in which case, block into view, the blocks are generally prefabricated, without heating, similar to concrete, a raw material feed through according to the mixing ratio, stirring, pouring, shaping after curing, it will take some time, and therefore unburned block making machine came into being. Therefore, this paper studied and designed unburned block making machine control system,It also introduces its mechanical structure, working process and electrical and hydraulic control principles. The scheme utilizes electric and hydraulic combined drive and control, which greatly simplifies the structure of the molding machine and makes control easier.Keywords:Non-burning block; Forming machine; PLC control system目录摘要.1Abstract.1第1章 绪论.31.1课题研究的背景和意义.31.2现状及发展趋势.41.3本课题设计内容.5第二章 免烧砌块成型机的设计.52.1免烧砌块成型机的组成.52.1.1主要部件的设计.52.1.2各部件的功能.62.2免烧砌块成型机的工作过程.62.3免烧砌块成型机的电气、液压控制原理.72.4系统的特点.72.5通过Pro/E对整机进行三维建模.8第三章 控制系统的设计.93.1免烧砌块成型机控制系统的设计.93.1.1确定PLC作为控制方案.93.1.2I/O点数、编号、地址与PLC型号.113.2梯形图.143.2.1编制梯形图.143.2.2对梯形图进行解读.143.2.3编制指令语句表.153.3控制面板与功能说明.18第四章 免烧砌块的发展问题和前景.184.1存在问题及原因分析.18 4.1.1墙体开裂与防治.184.1.2冻害问题.194.1.3砌体抗剪强度低.194.1.4概念问题.194.1.5标准问题.194.1.6生产装备问题.194.1.7投资不足,急功近利,设备简陋,管理落后.194.1.8研究开发.
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