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第六课时 Study skills教学目标1了解名词构成形容词的后缀-ful和-less。2学会在语境中使用合适的形容词,用正确的后缀表明肯定或否定的意思。重点讲解:名词构成形容词的后缀课堂教学后缀-ful的意思是full of或having the qualities of -less后缀的反义词,归纳本课中反义词的变化规律,即在名词后加上-less后缀。后缀-less的意思是without。提醒学生注意有些形容词的变化是不规则的,有些只能加-ful,有些只能加-less,有些则两个都不能加。课堂练习一用所给单词的正确形式填空。(1)Lee is kind and_He always _ his classmates when they have trouble(help) (2)All the tourists shouted“_” when they saw pyramids, one of the seven _in the world (wonder) (3)They _ to get inside, but when they saw the long queue, they knew it was _ (hope) (4)The road seems to be _for us to reach the _of it (end) (5)The mother was _ because many people helped her find her son (thank) 二呈现下面的短文,写出画线形容词的反义词。Today Mary wears a colourful dress She looks very beautifu1Mary is not only kind but also helpfulBesides, she is very careful She finds it useful to learn English well So she always works hard and gets high marks in English tests However, her classmate Tom is very different from her He often makes some noise in the class He spends too much time playing computer games though it is meaningless 课后作业一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. How will you deal with (处理) the (use) books? I will sell them.2. Without keys were (help).3. Whats the (mean) of this word? He gave her a (mean) look.4. The line of people outside _ (be, end). It seemed to be (hope) to try_ (get) inside.5. All the people cried“ ”when they saw one of the seven in the world in Egypt.(wonder). 6. Dont smoke any more. Its (harm) to your health.7. It was (care) of him to lose his ticket.8. The performers clothes are _ (colour).9. Congratulations! Both of you are the _(win) of the match. 10. The line was not very long. Mum thinks it was ( use) to wait.二、完型填空I set up a classroom library of books that I bought with my own money. The library looks beautiful, like a flower shop. And my students like it very much. I read the children a story. It is about a girlwho is so 1 that she wears the 2 dress to school every day. But she says she has a hundred dresses at home. The other girls laugh at her until she goes away. 3 her classmates find she really has a hundred dressesa hundred beautiful drawings of dresses. Oh, God, every child 4 when I close the book. 5 a moment everything is quiet. Then a boy 6 in my ear, “I have to tell the class something. ” He shows me that he has a half finger missing. I turn him to the class and put my hand on his shoulders .He is a bit nervous. “ I only have nine and a half fingers.” He 7 his hands. “ Please dont laugh at me about it. ” The students become noisy. Then one boy calls out “ 8 who makes fun of you, Ill kick them ” “Me, too ”says 9 . When the boy sees the class become united (团结), he is very 10 and smiles at me.( ) 1. A. happyB. poorC. funny D. rich( ) 2. A. expensive B. same C. different D. modern( ) 3.A. Later B. Before C. Ago D. Late( ) 4.A. runs B. shouts C. plays D. cries( ) 5. A. forB. Since C. On D. With( ) 6.A. speaks B. talks C. tells D. says( ) 7.A. puts down B. puts onC. puts away D. puts up( ) 8.A. Anybody B. No oneC. Nobody D. None( ) 9.A.the other B. othersC. another D. other( ) 10.A. sad B. worried C. sorry D. happy三、阅读理解Patricia: My favorite subject in school is writing because I can express all of my ideas on paper. My teachers always share (分享) my stories with the students in my class.Kristen: My favorite subject in school is probably reading. I love reading because it is fun to find out what happens next in the book! I dont like science because it is too difficult for me!Tony: I cannot stand (忍受)math! Math makes me sad. I know that math is an important part in peoples lives and there are numbers everywhere in the world. But to me, I dont want to do math homework today. I always do it tomorrow.Jacob: My favorite subject is science because its very interesting and important. If you know something about science, you can answer many questions about life. And if you love science, you can do some science projects at home or school. Thats great!( ) 1. What subject does Patricia like best? A. Writing.B. Reading. C. Math D. Science( ) 2. Who likes reading best?A. Jacob.B. Tony. C. KristenD. Patricia.( ) 3. Kristen doesnt like science because it is _.A. different B. too boring C. not her favouriteD. difficult( ) 4. Whats Jacobs favorite subject?A. Reading.B. Science. C. Writing.D. Math.(
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